Genisson Silva Coutinho
Genisson Silva Coutinho
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Cited by
Modeling and simulation practices for a computational thinking‐enabled engineering workforce
AJ Magana, G Silva Coutinho
Computer Applications in Engineering Education 25 (1), 62-78, 2017
Development of entrepreneurial attitudes assessment instrument for freshman students
TM Fernandez, G Sliva Coutinho, MD Wilson, SR Hoffmann
The implementation of virtual labs in aerospace structures education
W Tsutsui, RD Lopez-Parra, GS Coutinho, AW Mello, MD Sangid, ...
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, 2020
Designing a visuohaptic simulation to promote graphical representations and conceptual understanding of structural analysis
Y Walsh, AJ Magana, J Quintana, V Krs, G Coutinho, E Berger, ...
2018 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1-7, 2018
Understanding faculty decisions about the integration of laboratories into engineering education
GS Coutinho, NA Stites, AJ Magana
2017 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1-9, 2017
Enhancing student meaning-making of threshold concepts via computation: The case of Mohr’s circle
HW Fennell, GS Coutinho, AJ Magana, D Restrepo, PD Zavattieri
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2017
Developing Virtual Equipment to Enhance Learning of Structures and Material Science in an Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering Program
GS Coutinho, AS Mello, AJ Magana, V Dias, V Côrtes
Glob. J. Eng. Sci 4 (4), 1-6, 2020
A letter to the future engineer: Exploring cross-cultural engineering identities through practitioners' letters of advice
HE Rodríguez-Simmonds, M Sánchez-Peña, SZ Atiq, GS Coutinho, ...
2015 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1-4, 2015
A Framework for the Development of Online Virtual Labs for Engineering Education
GS Coutinho, AJ Magana, V do Rego Dias
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2023
Faculty Beliefs and Orientations to Teaching and Learning in the Lab: An Exploratory Case Study
GS Coutinho
Purdue University, 2019
The Interplay Between Engineering Students' Modeling and Simulation Practices and Their Use of External Representations: An Exploratory Study
H Fennell, C Vieira, GS Coutinho, AJ Magana, RE García
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2016
A Hybrid Interdisciplinary Mechatronics Engineering Course Using Content-Based Learning and Project-Based Learning
GS Coutinho, ARQ Ferraz, CV Coutinho
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 24.58. 1-24.58. 10, 2014
Measurement of radial deformation of a long internal cylinder using ESPI
A Albertazzi Gonçalves Jr, G Coutinho, A Manzolli, W Kapp, D Santos
Seminario Internacional de Metrologia para Controle da Qualidade-SI/MpCQ97 …, 1997
Tecnicas hibridas para analise de tensões combinando holografia eletronica e elementos finitos
GS Coutinho
Enhancing Student Meaning-Making of Threshold Concepts via Computa-tion: The Case of Mohr’s Circle
GS Coutinho
About the observatory
GS Coutinho, LF Morán-Mirabal
Del observatorio
GS Coutinho, LF Morán-Mirabal
Edu bits
GS Coutinho, LF Morán-Mirabal
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Articles 1–18