Colin Bouchard
Colin Bouchard
Scientific project manager at SCIMABIO Interface
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Combined effect of renneting pH, cooking temperature, and dry salting on the contraction kinetics of rennet-induced milk gels
HJ Giroux, C Bouchard, M Britten
International Dairy Journal 35 (1), 70-74, 2014
Estimating the effective number of breeders from single parr samples for conservation monitoring of wild populations of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar
CFE Bacles, C Bouchard, F Lange, A Manicki, C Tentelier, O Lepais
Journal of fish biology 92 (3), 699-726, 2018
Synchrony in population dynamics of juvenile Atlantic salmon: analyzing spatiotemporal variation and the influence of river flow and demography
C Bouchard, M Buoro, C Lebot, SM Carlson
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 79 (5), 782-794, 2022
Spatio-temporal variations in glass eel recruitment at the entrance pathways of a Mediterranean delta
C Bouchard, H Drouineau, P Lambert, O Boutron, D Nicolas
ICES Journal of Marine Science 79 (6), 1874-1887, 2022
A risk‐based forecast of extreme mortality events in small cetaceans: Using stranding data to inform conservation practice
C Bouchard, C Bracken, W Dabin, O Van Canneyt, V Ridoux, J Spitz, ...
Conservation Letters 12 (4), e12639, 2019
Accounting for detection probability with overestimation by integrating double monitoring programs over 40 years
D Vallecillo, M Guillemain, M Authier, C Bouchard, D Cohez, E Vialet, ...
PloS one 17 (3), e0265730, 2022
The dynamics of spawning acts by a semelparous fish and its associated energetic costs
C Tentelier, C Bouchard, A Bernardin, A Tauzin, JC Aymes, F Lange, ...
Peer Community Journal 1, 2021
Effects of spatial aggregation of nests on population recruitment: the case of a small population of Atlantic salmon
C Bouchard, A Bardonnet, M Buoro, C Tentelier
Ecosphere 9 (4), e02178, 2018
Sexual maturity increases mobility and heterogeneity in individual space use in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) parr
C Bouchard, F Lange, F Guéraud, J Rives, C Tentelier
Journal of Fish Biology 96 (4), 925-938, 2020
A psychiatric drug found in waste-water plant effluents alters the migratory behavior of critically endangered Anguilla anguilla juveniles
C Bouchard, M Monperrus, S Sebihi, C Tentelier, V Bolliet
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 265, 115496, 2023
Influence of changes in local environmental variables on the distribution and abundance dynamics of wintering Teal Anas crecca
D Vallecillo, M Guillemain, C Bouchard, S Roques, J Champagnon
Biodiversity and Conservation 32 (14), 4627-4649, 2023
Impacts of environmental conditions and management of sluice gates on glass eel migration
C Bouchard, O Boutron, J Lambremon, H Drouineau, P Lambert, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 279, 108139, 2022
In Atlantic salmon, space use of potential breeders stabilises population dynamics and shapes sexual selection
C Bouchard
Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, 2018
Investigating the quality of European silver eels by quantifying contaminants and parasite infestation in a French Mediterranean lagoon complex
A Hoste, R Lagarde, E Amilhat, C Bouchard, P Bustamante, A Covaci, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-18, 2025
An optimized whole-body corticosteroid hormones quantification method by LC-MS/MS for assessing stress levels in European glass eels (Anguilla anguilla)
S Sebihi, M Monperrus, P Coste, E Huchet, M Lingrand, S Glise, ...
The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 245, 106627, 2025
Unravelling the metabolomic signatures of migrant and non-migrant glass eels (Anguilla anguilla) and their response to diazepam exposure
I Alvarez-Mora, V Bolliet, N Lopez-Herguedas, C Bouchard, M Monperrus, ...
Marine Environmental Research 202, 106801, 2024
European eel (Anguilla anguilla) survival modeling based on a 22‐year capture‐mark‐recapture survey of a Mediterranean subpopulation
A Hoste, C Bouchard, JC Poggiale, D Nicolas
Journal of Fish Biology, 2024
A risk-based forecast of extreme mortality events in small cetaceans: Assessing trends and changes over time
M Authier, C Bouchard, C Dars, J Spitz
Ecological Indicators 160, 111820, 2024
Estimating migration speed of glass eels during their colonization of a Mediterranean lagoon
C Bouchard, D Nicolas
Journal of Fish Biology 103 (5), 1113-1121, 2023
Considering temporal variations in mating opportunities: consequences for sexual selection estimates
L Daupagne, C Bouchard, A Michaud, M Dhamelincourt, E Lasne, ...
Animal Behaviour 204, 49-65, 2023
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Articles 1–20