Tommi Jantunen
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Johdatus suomalaisen viittomakielen rakenteeseen
T Jantunen
Finn Lectura, 2003
Head movements in Finnish Sign Language on the basis of Motion Capture data: A study of the form and function of nods, nodding, head thrusts, and head pulls
A Puupponen, T Wainio, B Burger, T Jantunen
Sign Language & Linguistics 18 (1), 41-89, 2015
Constructed action, the clause and the nature of syntax in Finnish Sign Language
T Jantunen
Open Linguistics 3 (1), 65-85, 2017
Fixed and free: order of the verbal predicate and its core arguments in declarative transitive clauses in Finnish Sign Language
T Jantunen
SKY Journal of Linguistics 21 (1), 83-123, 2008
S-pot–a benchmark in spotting signs within continuous signing
V Viitaniemi, T Jantunen, L Savolainen, M Karppa, J Laaksonen
LREC proceedings, 2014
Syllable structure in sign language phonology
T Jantunen, R Takkinen
na, 2010
The equative sentence in finnish sign language
T Jantunen
Sign Language & Linguistics 10 (2), 113-143, 2007
The Dawn of the Human-Machine Era: A forecast of new and emerging language technologies.
D Sayers, R Sousa-Silva, S Höhn, L Ahmedi, K Allkivi-Metsoja, ...
How long is the sign?
T Jantunen
Linguistics 53 (1), 93-124, 2015
Ellipsis in Finnish Sign Language
T Jantunen
Nordic Journal of Linguistics 36 (3), 303-332, 2013
Tavu ja lause: tutkimuksia kahden sekventiaalisen perusyksikön olemuksesta suomalaisessa viittomakielessä
T Jantunen
Jyväskylä studies in humanities, 2009
Signs and transitions: Do they differ phonetically and does it matter?
T Jantunen
Sign Language Studies 13 (2), 211-237, 2013
Experiences collecting motion capture data on continuous signing
T Jantunen, B Burger, D De Weerdt, I Seilola, T Wainio
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign …, 2012
On the rhythm of head movements in Finnish and Swedish Sign Language sentences
T Jantunen, J Mesch, A Puupponen, J Laaksonen
Speech Prosody 8, Boston, USA, May 31-June 3, 2016, 850-853, 2016
Suomalaisen viittomakielen pääsanaluokat
T Jantunen
Tommi Jantunen (Toim.). Näkökulmia viittomaan ja viittomistoon. Jyväskylä …, 2010
Synchronizing eye tracking and optical motion capture: How to bring them together
B Burger, A Puupponen, T Jantunen
Journal of eye movement research 11 (2), 2018
Suomalaisen viittomakielen synnystä, vakiintumisesta ja kuvaamisen periaatteista
T Jantunen
Kuurojen liitto, 2001
A cross-linguistic comparison of reference across five signed languages
L Ferrara, B Anible, G Hodge, T Jantunen, L Leeson, J Mesch, AL Nilsson
Linguistic typology 27 (3), 591-627, 2023
Clausal coordination in Finnish sign language
T Jantunen
Studies in Language 40 (1), 204-234, 2016
The more you move, the more action you construct: A motion capture study on head and upper-torso movements in constructed action in Finnish Sign Language narratives
T Jantunen, D De Weerdt, B Burger, A Puupponen
Gesture 19 (1), 72-96, 2020
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Articles 1–20