Michelle Fingeret
Michelle Fingeret
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Successes and failures of the teachable moment: smoking cessation in cancer patients
ER Gritz, MC Fingeret, DJ Vidrine, AB Lazev, NV Mehta, GP Reece
Cancer 106 (1), 17-27, 2006
Managing body image difficulties of adult cancer patients: lessons from available research
MC Fingeret, I Teo, DE Epner
Cancer 120 (5), 633-641, 2014
The nature and extent of body image concerns among surgically treated patients with head and neck cancer
MC Fingeret, Y Yuan, D Urbauer, J Weston, S Nipomnick, R Weber
Psycho‐Oncology 21 (8), 836-844, 2012
Multidimensional analysis of body image concerns among newly diagnosed patients with oral cavity cancer
MC Fingeret, DJ Vidrine, GP Reece, AM Gillenwater, ER Gritz
Head & Neck: Journal for the Sciences and Specialties of the Head and Neck …, 2010
Smoking cessation: a critical component of medical management in chronic disease populations
ER Gritz, DJ Vidrine, MC Fingeret
American journal of preventive medicine 33 (6), S414-S422, 2007
Sociocultural, feminist, and psychological influences on women's body satisfaction: A structural modeling analysis
MC Fingeret, DH Gleaves
Psychology of women quarterly 28 (4), 370-380, 2004
Examining pain, body image, and depressive symptoms in patients with lymphedema secondary to breast cancer
I Teo, DM Novy, DW Chang, MG Cox, MC Fingeret
Psycho‐Oncology 24 (11), 1377-1383, 2015
Associations among speech, eating, and body image concerns for surgical patients with head and neck cancer
MC Fingeret, KA Hutcheson, K Jensen, Y Yuan, D Urbauer, JS Lewin
Head & neck 35 (3), 354-360, 2013
English and Spanish versions of the Body Shape Questionnaire: Measurement equivalence across ethnicity and clinical status
CS Warren, A Cepeda‐Benito, DH Gleaves, S Moreno, S Rodriguez, ...
International journal of eating disorders 41 (3), 265-272, 2008
Body image and quality of life of breast cancer patients: influence of timing and stage of breast reconstruction
I Teo, GP Reece, IC Christie, M Guindani, MK Markey, LJ Heinberg, ...
Psycho‐Oncology 25 (9), 1106-1112, 2016
On the methodology of body image assessment: the use of figural rating scales to evaluate body dissatisfaction and the ideal body standards of women
MC Fingeret, DH Gleaves, CA Pearson
Body image 1 (2), 207-212, 2004
Long-term outcomes of a cell phone–delivered intervention for smokers living with HIV/AIDS
ER Gritz, HE Danysh, FE Fletcher, I Tami-Maury, MC Fingeret, RM King, ...
Clinical Infectious Diseases 57 (4), 608-615, 2013
Body image: a critical psychosocial issue for patients with head and neck cancer
MC Fingeret, I Teo, K Goettsch
Current oncology reports 17, 1-6, 2015
Developing a theoretical framework to illustrate associations among patient satisfaction, body image and quality of life for women undergoing breast reconstruction
MC Fingeret, SW Nipomnick, MA Crosby, GP Reece
Cancer treatment reviews 39 (6), 673-681, 2013
Association between body image dissatisfaction and weight loss among patients with advanced cancer and their caregivers: a preliminary report
W Rhondali, GB Chisholm, M Daneshmand, J Allo, DH Kang, M Filbet, ...
Journal of pain and symptom management 45 (6), 1039-1049, 2013
Body image screening for cancer patients undergoing reconstructive surgery
MC Fingeret, S Nipomnick, M Guindani, D Baumann, M Hanasono, ...
Psycho‐oncology 23 (8), 898-905, 2014
Social challenges of cancer patients with orbitofacial disfigurement
A Bonanno, B Esmaeli, MC Fingeret, DV Nelson, RS Weber
Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 26 (1), 18-22, 2010
Body image investment in breast cancer patients undergoing reconstruction: taking a closer look at the Appearance Schemas Inventory-Revised
AS Chua, SM DeSantis, I Teo, MC Fingeret
Body Image 13, 33-37, 2015
Body image dissatisfaction in patients undergoing breast reconstruction: Examining the roles of breast symmetry and appearance investment
I Teo, GP Reece, SC Huang, K Mahajan, J Andon, P Khanal, C Sun, ...
Psycho‐Oncology 27 (3), 857-863, 2018
Body image and disfigurement
MC Fingeret
MD Anderson manual of psychosocial oncology, 271-288, 2010
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Articles 1–20