Ferenc Marincs
Ferenc Marincs
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Effects of yeast trehalose-6-phosphate synthase 1 on gene expression and carbohydrate contents of potato leaves under drought stress conditions
M Kondrák, F Marincs, F Antal, Z Juhász, Z Bánfalvi
BMC plant biology 12, 1-12, 2012
Immobilization of Escherichia coli expressing the lux genes of Xenorhabdus luminescens
F Marincs, DW White
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 60 (10), 3862-3863, 1994
On-line monitoring of growth of Escherichia coli in batch cultures by bioluminescence
F Marincs
Applied microbiology and biotechnology 53, 536-541, 2000
Transcript analysis reveals an extended regulon and the importance of protein–protein co-operativity for the Escherichia coli methionine repressor
F Marincs, IW Manfield, JA Stead, KJ Mcdowall, PG Stockley
Biochemical Journal 396 (2), 227-234, 2006
Genome sequencing and analysis of Mangalica, a fatty local pig of Hungary
J Molnár, T Nagy, V Stéger, G Tóth, F Marincs, E Barta
BMC genomics 15, 1-12, 2014
Structure and function of the arginine repressor-operator complex from Bacillus subtilis
JA Garnett, F Marincs, S Baumberg, PG Stockley, SEV Phillips
Journal of molecular biology 379 (2), 284-298, 2008
Transcriptome analysis of potato leaves expressing the trehalose-6-phosphate synthase 1 gene of yeast
M Kondrak, F Marincs, B Kalapos, Z Juhasz, Z Banfalvi
PloS one 6 (8), e23466, 2011
Transcript and hormone analyses reveal the involvement of ABA-signalling, hormone crosstalk and genotype-specific biological processes in cold‐shock response in wheat
B Kalapos, P Dobrev, T Nagy, P Vítámvás, J Györgyey, G Kocsy, ...
Plant Science 253, 86-97, 2016
Pleiotropic effect of chromosome 5A and the mvp mutation on the metabolite profile during cold acclimation and the vegetative/generative transition in wheat
Z Juhász, Á Boldizsár, T Nagy, G Kocsy, F Marincs, G Galiba, Z Bánfalvi
BMC plant biology 15, 1-13, 2015
The isolated N-terminal DNA binding domain of thec repressor of bacteriophage16-3 is functional in DNA binding in vivo and in vitro
G Dallmann, F Marines, P Papp, M Gaszner, L Orosz
Molecular and General Genetics MGG 227, 106-112, 1991
Elimination of Internal Restriction Enzyme Sites from a Bacterial Luminescence (luxCDABE) Operon
CR Voisey, F Marincs
Biotechniques 24 (1), 56-58, 1998
Effect of the winter wheat Cheyenne 5A substituted chromosome on dynamics of abscisic acid and cytokinins in freezing-sensitive Chinese spring genetic background
B Kalapos, A Novák, P Dobrev, P Vítámvás, F Marincs, G Galiba, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 8, 2033, 2017
Mitochondrial D‐loop analysis reveals low diversity in M angalica pigs and their relationship to historical specimens
J Molnár, G Tóth, V Stéger, A Zsolnai, A Jánosi, A Mohr, R Szántó‐Egész, ...
Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 130 (4), 312-320, 2013
Nopaline causes a conformational change in the NocR regulatory protein-nocR promoter complex of Agrobacterium tumefaciens Ti plasmid pTiT37
F Marines, DWR White
Molecular and General Genetics MGG 241, 65-72, 1993
The full mitochondrial genomes of Mangalica pig breeds and their possible origin
K Frank, J Molnár, E Barta, F Marincs
Mitochondrial DNA Part B 2 (2), 730-734, 2017
Looking for breed differentiating SNP loci and for a SNP set for parentage testing in Mangalica
A Zsolnai, G Toth, J Molnar, V Steger, F Marincs, A Janosi, G Ujhelyi, ...
Archives Animal Breeding 56 (1), 200-207, 2013
Introgression and isolation contributed to the development of Hungarian Mangalica pigs from a particular European ancient bloodline
F Marincs, J Molnár, G Tóth, V Stéger, E Barta
Genetics Selection Evolution 45, 1-6, 2013
Vitamin C, B5, and B6 contents of segregating potato populations detected by GC‐MS: a method facilitating breeding potatoes with improved vitamin content
Z Juhász, G Dancs, F Marincs, M Vossen, S Allefs, Z Bánfalvi
Plant Breeding 133 (4), 515-520, 2014
The NocR repressor-activator protein regulates expression of the nocB and nocR genes of Agrobacterium tumefaciens
F Marincs, DWR White
Molecular and General Genetics MGG 244, 367-373, 1994
A combined in vitro transposition-in vivo recombination mutagenesis method to knock out genes in Escherichia coli
F Marincs, KJ McDowall, PG Stockley
American Biotechnology Laboratory 22 (5), 8-11, 2004
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Articles 1–20