Daniel L. Preston
Daniel L. Preston
Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology, Colorado State University
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Biodiversity decreases disease through predictable changes in host community competence
PTJ Johnson, DL Preston, JT Hoverman, KLD Richgels
Nature 494 (7436), 230-233, 2013
Mountain lakes: Eyes on global environmental change
KA Moser, JS Baron, J Brahney, IA Oleksy, JE Saros, EJ Hundey, S Sadro, ...
Global and Planetary Change 178, 77-95, 2019
Host and parasite diversity jointly control disease risk in complex communities
PTJ Johnson, DL Preston, JT Hoverman, BE LaFonte
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (42), 16916-16921, 2013
Biomass and productivity of trematode parasites in pond ecosystems
DL Preston, SA Orlofske, JP Lambden, PTJ Johnson
Journal of Animal Ecology 82 (3), 509-517, 2013
Community ecology of invasions: direct and indirect effects of multiple invasive species on aquatic communities
DL Preston, JS Henderson, PTJ Johnson
Ecology 93 (6), 1254-1261, 2012
Taming wildlife disease: bridging the gap between science and management
MB Joseph, JR Mihaljevic, AL Arellano, JG Kueneman, DL Preston, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 50 (3), 702-712, 2013
Climate regulates alpine lake ice cover phenology and aquatic ecosystem structure
DL Preston, N Caine, DM McKnight, MW Williams, K Hell, MP Miller, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (10), 5353-5360, 2016
Parasites as prey in aquatic food webs: implications for predator infection and parasite transmission
DW Thieltges, PA Amundsen, RF Hechinger, PTJ Johnson, KD Lafferty, ...
Oikos 122 (10), 1473-1482, 2013
Habitat heterogeneity drives the host‐diversity‐begets‐parasite‐diversity relationship: evidence from experimental and field studies
PTJ Johnson, CL Wood, MB Joseph, DL Preston, SE Haas, YP Springer
Ecology letters 19 (7), 752-761, 2016
Parasite transmission in complex communities: predators and alternative hosts alter pathogenic infections in amphibians
SA Orlofske, RC Jadin, DL Preston, PTJ Johnson
Ecology 93 (6), 1247-1253, 2012
Disease ecology meets ecosystem science
DL Preston, JA Mischler, AR Townsend, PTJ Johnson
Ecosystems 19, 737-748, 2016
Ecological consequences of parasitism
D Preston, P Johnson
Nature Education Knowledge 3 (10), 2010
Species diversity reduces parasite infection through cross‐generational effects on host abundance
PTJ Johnson, DL Preston, JT Hoverman, JS Henderson, SH Paull, ...
Ecology 93 (1), 56-64, 2012
Integrating occupancy models and structural equation models to understand species occurrence
MB Joseph, DL Preston, PTJ Johnson
Ecology 97 (3), 765-775, 2016
Diversity of 16S rRNA gene, ITS region and aclB gene of the Aquificales
I Ferrera, S Longhorn, AB Banta, Y Liu, D Preston, AL Reysenbach
Extremophiles 11, 57-64, 2007
What drives interaction strengths in complex food webs? A test with feeding rates of a generalist stream predator
DL Preston, JS Henderson, LP Falke, LM Segui, TJ Layden, M Novak
Ecology 99 (7), 1591-1601, 2018
Non‐native freshwater snails: a global synthesis of invasion status, mechanisms of introduction, and interactions with natural enemies
DL Preston, ER Crone, A Miller‐ter Kuile, CD Lewis, EL Sauer, ...
Freshwater Biology 67 (2), 227-239, 2022
Responses of a wetland ecosystem to the controlled introduction of invasive fish
DL Preston, HD Hedman, ER Esfahani, EM Pena, CE Boland, KB Lunde, ...
Freshwater Biology 62 (4), 767-778, 2017
Trematode parasites exceed aquatic insect biomass in Oregon stream food webs
DL Preston, TJ Layden, LM Segui, LP Falke, SV Brant, M Novak
Journal of Animal Ecology 90 (3), 766-775, 2021
Natural enemy ecology: comparing the effects of predation risk, infection risk and disease on host behaviour
DL Preston, CE Boland, JT Hoverman, PTJ Johnson
Functional Ecology 28 (6), 1472-1481, 2014
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Articles 1–20