Douglas L. Altshuler
Douglas L. Altshuler
Professor of Zoology, University of British Columbia
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Molecular phylogenetics and the diversification of hummingbirds
JA McGuire, CC Witt, JV Remsen, A Corl, DL Rabosky, DL Altshuler, ...
Current Biology 24 (8), 910-916, 2014
Phylogenetic systematics and biogeography of hummingbirds: Bayesian and maximum likelihood analyses of partitioned data and selection of an appropriate partitioning strategy
JA McGuire, CC Witt, DL Altshuler, JV Remsen
Systematic biology 56 (5), 837-856, 2007
Short-amplitude high-frequency wing strokes determine the aerodynamics of honeybee flight
DL Altshuler, WB Dickson, JT Vance, SP Roberts, MH Dickinson
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (50), 18213-18218, 2005
Resolution of a paradox: hummingbird flight at high elevation does not come without a cost
DL Altshuler, R Dudley, JA McGuire
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (51), 17731-17736, 2004
The ecological and evolutionary interface of hummingbird flight physiology
DL Altshuler, R Dudley
Journal of Experimental Biology 205 (16), 2325-2336, 2002
The physiology and biomechanics of avian flight at high altitude
DL Altshuler, R Dudley
Integrative and Comparative Biology 46 (1), 62-71, 2006
Kinematics of hovering hummingbird flight along simulated and natural elevational gradients
DL Altshuler, R Dudley
Journal of Experimental Biology 206 (18), 3139-3147, 2003
Aerodynamic forces of revolving hummingbird wings and wing models
DL Altshuler, R Dudley, CP Ellington
Journal of zoology 264 (4), 327-332, 2004
Hummingbird wing efficacy depends on aspect ratio and compares with helicopter rotors
JW Kruyt, EM Quicazán-Rubio, GF Van Heijst, DL Altshuler, D Lentink
Journal of the royal society interface 11 (99), 20140585, 2014
Power reduction and the radial limit of stall delay in revolving wings of different aspect ratio
JW Kruyt, GF Van Heijst, DL Altshuler, D Lentink
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 12 (105), 20150051, 2015
A higher-level taxonomy for hummingbirds
JA McGuire, CC Witt, JV Remsen, R Dudley, DL Altshuler
Journal of Ornithology 150, 155-165, 2009
The biophysics of bird flight: functional relationships integrate aerodynamics, morphology, kinematics, muscles, and sensors
DL Altshuler, JW Bahlman, R Dakin, AH Gaede, B Goller, D Lentink, ...
Canadian Journal of Zoology 93 (12), 961-975, 2015
Flight performance and competitive displacement of hummingbirds across elevational gradients
DL Altshuler
The American Naturalist 167 (2), 216-229, 2006
Novel interactions of non-pollinating ants with pollinators and fruit consumers in a tropical forest
DL Altshuler
Oecologia 119, 600-606, 1999
Take-off mechanics in hummingbirds (Trochilidae)
BW Tobalske, DL Altshuler, DR Powers
Journal of Experimental Biology 207 (8), 1345-1352, 2004
Allometry of hummingbird lifting performance
DL Altshuler, R Dudley, SM Heredia, JA McGuire
Journal of Experimental Biology 213 (5), 725-734, 2010
Fiber type homogeneity of the flight musculature in small birds
KC Welch Jr, DL Altshuler
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular …, 2009
Flower Color, Hummingbird Pollination, and Habitat Irradiance in Four Neotropical Forests1
DL Altshuler
Biotropica 35 (3), 344-355, 2003
Birds can transition between stable and unstable states via wing morphing
C Harvey, VB Baliga, JCM Wong, DL Altshuler, DJ Inman
Nature 603 (7902), 648-653, 2022
Morphology, muscle capacity, skill, and maneuvering ability in hummingbirds
R Dakin, PS Segre, AD Straw, DL Altshuler
Science 359 (6376), 653-657, 2018
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