Bertil Gummesson
Bertil Gummesson
Post Doc, Copenhagen Universitty
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Citované v
Acetyl-phosphate is a critical determinant of lysine acetylation in E. coli
BT Weinert, V Iesmantavicius, SA Wagner, C Schölz, B Gummesson, ...
Molecular cell 51 (2), 265-272, 2013
Identical, Independent, and Opposing Roles of ppGpp and DksA in Escherichia coli
LU Magnusson, B Gummesson, P Joksimovic, A Farewell, T Nyström
Journal of bacteriology 189 (14), 5193-5202, 2007
Increased RNA polymerase availability directs resources towards growth at the expense of maintenance
B Gummesson, LU Magnusson, M Lovmar, K Kvint, Ö Persson, ...
The EMBO journal 28 (15), 2209-2219, 2009
A proximal promoter element required for positive transcriptional control by guanosine tetraphosphate and DksA protein during the stringent response
B Gummesson, M Lovmar, T Nyström
Journal of Biological Chemistry 288 (29), 21055-21064, 2013
Short‐term kinetics of rRNA degradation in Escherichia coli upon starvation for carbon, amino acid or phosphate
M Fessler, B Gummesson, G Charbon, SL Svenningsen, MA Sørensen
Molecular Microbiology 113 (5), 951-963, 2020
Valine-Induced Isoleucine Starvation in Escherichia coli K-12 Studied by Spike-In Normalized RNA Sequencing
B Gummesson, SA Shah, AS Borum, M Fessler, N Mitarai, MA Sørensen, ...
Frontiers in genetics 11, 144, 2020
Distinct survival, growth lag, and rRNA degradation kinetics during long-term starvation for carbon or phosphate
Y Himeoka, B Gummesson, MA Sørensen, SL Svenningsen, N Mitarai
Msphere 7 (3), e01006-21, 2022
Distinct survival, growth lag, and ribosomal RNA degradation kinetics during long-term starvation for carbon or phosphate
Y Himeoka, B Gummesson, MA Sørensen, SL Svenningsen, N Mitarai
bioRxiv, 2020.09. 04.284034, 2020
The Importance of a Fifth Element in Transcription: Transcriptional Discrimination in Escherichia coli
B Gummesson
Department of Cell and Molecular Biology; Institutionen för cell-och …, 2011
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