Vishal Vasan
Vishal Vasan
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
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Cited by
The method of Fokas for solving linear partial differential equations
B Deconinck, T Trogdon, V Vasan
siam REVIEW 56 (1), 159-186, 2014
Recovering the water-wave profile from pressure measurements
KL Oliveras, V Vasan, B Deconinck, D Henderson
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 72 (3), 897-918, 2012
Comparison of five methods of computing the Dirichlet-Neumann operator for the water wave problem
J Wilkening, V Vasan
Contemp. Math 635, 175-210, 2015
Accurate solution method for the Maxey–Riley equation, and the effects of Basset history
SG Prasath, V Vasan, R Govindarajan
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 868, 428-460, 2019
The inverse water wave problem of bathymetry detection
V Vasan, B Deconinck
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 714, 562-590, 2013
Pressure beneath a traveling wave with constant vorticity
V Vasan, K Oliveras
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst 34, 3219-3239, 2014
Fokas's unified transform method for linear systems
B Deconinck, Q Guo, E Shlizerman, V Vasan
Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 76 (3), 463-488, 2018
Relating the bottom pressure and the surface elevation in the water wave problem
B Deconinck, KL Oliveras, V Vasan
Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 19 (supp01), 1240014, 2012
Well-posedness of boundary-value problems for the linear Benjamin-Bona-Mahony equation
V Vasan, B Deconinck
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst 33 (7), 3171-3188, 2013
The Bernoulli boundary condition for traveling water waves
V Vasan, B Deconinck
Applied Mathematics Letters 26 (4), 515-519, 2013
Recovering the water-wave surface from pressure measurements
B Deconinck, D Henderson, KL Oliveras, V Vasan
Proc. 10th Intl Conf. on WAVES, Vancouver, July, 25-29, 2011
A new equation describing travelling water waves
K Oliveras, V Vasan
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 717, 514-522, 2013
A method to recover water-wave profiles from pressure measurements
V Vasan, K Oliveras, D Henderson, B Deconinck
Wave Motion 75, 25-35, 2017
Water-wave profiles from pressure measurements: extensions
V Vasan, KL Oliveras
Applied Mathematics Letters 68, 175-180, 2017
Ocean-depth measurement using shallow-water wave models
V Vasan, Manisha, D Auroux
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.00964, 2021
A discrete view of the Indian monsoon to identify spatial patterns of rainfall
A Mitra, A Apte, R Govindarajan, V Vasan, S Vadlamani
Dynamics and Statistics of the Climate System 3 (1), dzy009, 2018
Spatio-temporal patterns of daily Indian summer monsoon rainfall
A Mitra, A Apte, R Govindarajan, V Vasan, S Vadlamani
Dynamics and Statistics of the Climate System 3 (1), dzy010, 2018
The Basset–Boussinesq history force: Its neglect, validity, and recent numerical developments
D Jaganathan, SG Prasath, R Govindarajan, V Vasan
Frontiers in Physics 11, 1167338, 2023
Spatio-temporal relationships between rainfall and convective clouds during Indian monsoon through a discrete lens
A Sharma, A Mitra, V Vasan, R Govindarajan
arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.08251, 2020
Explicit integrators for nonlocal equations: The case of the Maxey-Riley-Gatignol equation
D Jaganathan, R Govindarajan, V Vasan
Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 2024
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Articles 1–20