Lars M Westerberg
Lars M Westerberg
Lecturer, IFM Ecology, Linköping University
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On the correlation between heterozygosity and fitness in natural populations
B Hansson, L Westerberg
Molecular ecology 11 (12), 2467-2474, 2002
Grazing vs. mowing: A meta-analysis of biodiversity benefits for grassland management
M Tälle, B Deák, P Poschlod, O Valkó, L Westerberg, P Milberg
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 222, 200-212, 2016
Observer bias and random variation in vegetation monitoring data
P Milberg, J Bergstedt, J Fridman, G Odell, L Westerberg
Journal of Vegetation Science 19 (5), 633-644, 2008
Similar effects of different mowing frequencies on the conservation value of semi-natural grasslands in Europe
M Tälle, B Deák, P Poschlod, O Valkó, L Westerberg, P Milberg
Biodiversity and Conservation 27, 2451-2475, 2018
Heterozygosity-fitness correlations within inbreeding classes: local or genome-wide effects?
B Hansson, L Westerberg
Conservation Genetics 9, 73-83, 2008
Ten-year myringoplasty series: does the cause of perforation affect the success rate?
J Westerberg, H Harder, B Magnuson, L Westerberg, D Hydén
Journal of Laryngology and Otology 125 (2), 126, 2011
In the eye of the beholder: bias and stochastic variation in cover estimates
J Bergstedt, L Westerberg, P Milberg
Plant ecology 204, 271-283, 2009
Butterflies in Swedish grasslands benefit from forest and respond to landscape composition at different spatial scales
KO Bergman, J Dániel-Ferreira, P Milberg, E Öckinger, L Westerberg
Landscape ecology 33, 2189-2204, 2018
Flower abundance and vegetation height as predictors for nectar-feeding insect occurrence in Swedish semi-natural grasslands
P Milberg, KO Bergman, E Cronvall, ÅI Eriksson, A Glimskär, A Islamovic, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 230, 47-54, 2016
The conservation benefit of mowing vs grazing for management of species‐rich grasslands: a multi‐site, multi‐year field experiment
M Tälle, H Fogelfors, L Westerberg, P Milberg
Nordic Journal of Botany 33 (6), 761-768, 2015
Vegetation in clear‐cuts depends on previous land use: a century‐old grassland legacy
D Jonason, M Ibbe, P Milberg, A Tunér, L Westerberg, KO Bergman
Ecology and Evolution 4 (22), 4287-4295, 2014
Using sex pheromone and a multi-scale approach to predict the distribution of a rare saproxylic beetle
N Musa, K Andersson, J Burman, F Andersson, E Hedenström, N Jansson, ...
PLoS One 8 (6), e66149, 2013
L-band polarimetric target decomposition of mangroves of the Rufiji Delta, Tanzania
I Brown, S Mwansasu, LO Westerberg
Remote Sensing 8 (2), 140, 2016
Predicting the spatial distribution of a population in a heterogeneous landscape
L Westerberg, U Wennergren
Ecological Modelling 166 (1-2), 53-65, 2003
Clear-cuts in production forests: From matrix to neo-habitat for butterflies
T Blixt, KO Bergman, P Milberg, L Westerberg, D Jonason
Acta Oecologica 69, 71-77, 2015
Decline in lichen biodiversity on oak trunks due to urbanization
H Lättman, KO Bergman, M Rapp, M Tälle, L Westerberg, P Milberg
Nordic Journal of Botany 32 (4), 518-528, 2014
The biodiversity cost of reducing management intensity in species-rich grasslands: Mowing annually vs. every third year
P Milberg, M Tälle, H Fogelfors, L Westerberg
Basic and Applied Ecology 22, s 61-74, 2017
Color pan traps often catch less when there are more flowers around
L Westerberg, HL Berglund, D Jonason, P Milberg
Ecology and Evolution 11 (9), 3830-3840, 2021
Splitting the tail of the displacement kernel shows the unimportance of kurtosis
T Lindström, N Håkansson, L Westerberg, U Wennergren
Ecology 89 (7), 1784-1790, 2008
Land-use history influence the vegetation in coniferous production forests in southern Sweden
P Milberg, KO Bergman, D Jonason, J Karlsson, L Westerberg
Forest Ecology and Management 440, 23-30, 2019
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