Paul Loikith
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A recent systematic increase in vapor pressure deficit over tropical South America
A Barkhordarian, SS Saatchi, A Behrangi, PC Loikith, CR Mechoso
Scientific reports 9 (1), 15331, 2019
Impact of soil moisture–atmosphere interactions on surface temperature distribution
A Berg, BR Lintner, KL Findell, S Malyshev, PC Loikith, P Gentine
Journal of Climate 27 (21), 7976-7993, 2014
Characteristics of observed atmospheric circulation patterns associated with temperature extremes over North America
PC Loikith, AJ Broccoli
Journal of Climate 25 (20), 7266-7281, 2012
Can significant trends be detected in surface air temperature and precipitation over South America in recent decades?
D de Barros Soares, H Lee, PC Loikith, A Barkhordarian, CR Mechoso
International Journal of Climatology 37 (3), 1483-1493, 2017
Characterizing large-scale meteorological patterns and associated temperature and precipitation extremes over the northwestern United States using self-organizing maps
PC Loikith, BR Lintner, A Sweeney
Journal of Climate 30 (8), 2829-2847, 2017
The influence of recurrent modes of climate variability on the occurrence of winter and summer extreme temperatures over North America
PC Loikith, AJ Broccoli
Journal of climate 27 (4), 1600-1618, 2014
Sixfold increase in historical Northern Hemisphere concurrent large heatwaves driven by warming and changing atmospheric circulations
CDW Rogers, K Kornhuber, SE Perkins-Kirkpatrick, PC Loikith, D Singh
Journal of Climate 35 (3), 1063-1078, 2022
Bayesian model averaging of climate model projections constrained by precipitation observations over the contiguous United States
EC Massoud, H Lee, PB Gibson, P Loikith, DE Waliser
Journal of Hydrometeorology 21 (10), 2401-2418, 2020
Evaluation of the surface climatology over the conterminous United States in the North American regional climate change assessment program hindcast experiment using a regional …
J Kim, DE Waliser, CA Mattmann, LO Mearns, CE Goodale, AF Hart, ...
Journal of Climate 26 (15), 5698-5715, 2013
A climatology of atmospheric rivers and associated precipitation for the seven US national climate assessment regions
EA Slinskey, PC Loikith, DE Waliser, B Guan, A Martin
Journal of Hydrometeorology 21 (11), 2439-2456, 2020
Exploring a graph theory based algorithm for automated identification and characterization of large mesoscale convective systems in satellite datasets
K Whitehall, CA Mattmann, G Jenkins, M Rwebangira, B Demoz, ...
Earth Science Informatics 8, 663-675, 2015
Short‐tailed temperature distributions over North America and implications for future changes in extremes
PC Loikith, JD Neelin
Geophysical Research Letters 42 (20), 8577-8585, 2015
Observed warming over northern South America has an anthropogenic origin
A Barkhordarian, H von Storch, E Zorita, PC Loikith, CR Mechoso
Climate Dynamics 51, 1901-1914, 2018
Classifying reanalysis surface temperature probability density functions (PDFs) over North America with cluster analysis
PC Loikith, BR Lintner, J Kim, H Lee, JD Neelin, DE Waliser
Geophysical Research Letters 40 (14), 3710-3714, 2013
Utilizing humidity and temperature data to advance monitoring and prediction of meteorological drought
A Behrangi, PC Loikith, EJ Fetzer, HM Nguyen, SL Granger
Climate 3 (4), 999-1017, 2015
Comparison between observed and model-simulated atmospheric circulation patterns associated with extreme temperature days over North America using CMIP5 historical simulations
PC Loikith, AJ Broccoli
Journal of climate 28 (5), 2063-2079, 2015
Evaluating hourly rainfall characteristics over the US Great Plains in dynamically downscaled climate model simulations using NASA‐Unified WRF
H Lee, DE Waliser, R Ferraro, T Iguchi, CD Peters‐Lidard, B Tian, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 122 (14), 7371-7384, 2017
Surface temperature probability distributions in the NARCCAP hindcast experiment: Evaluation methodology, metrics, and results
PC Loikith, DE Waliser, H Lee, J Kim, JD Neelin, BR Lintner, S McGinnis, ...
Journal of Climate 28 (3), 978-997, 2015
Regional Climate Model Evaluation System powered by Apache Open Climate Workbench v1. 3.0: an enabling tool for facilitating regional climate studies
H Lee, A Goodman, L McGibbney, DE Waliser, J Kim, PC Loikith, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 11 (11), 4435-4449, 2018
Simultaneous regional detection of land‐use changes and elevated GHG levels: The case of spring precipitation in tropical South America
A Barkhordarian, H von Storch, A Behrangi, PC Loikith, CR Mechoso, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 45 (12), 6262-6271, 2018
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Articles 1–20