Cristiano VM Araújo
Cristiano VM Araújo
Institute of Marine Science of Andalusia - ICMAN-CSIC, Spain
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Cited by
Active and passive spatial avoidance by aquatic organisms from environmental stressors: A complementary perspective and a critical review
CVM Araújo, M Moreira-Santos, R Ribeiro
Environment international 92, 405-415, 2016
Heavy metals in yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and common dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) landed on the Ecuadorian coast
CVM Araújo, LA Cedeño-Macias
Science of the Total Environment 541, 149-154, 2016
The use of Microtox® to assess toxicity removal of industrial effluents from the industrial district of Camaçari (BA, Brazil)
CVM Araújo, RB Nascimento, CA Oliveira, UJ Strotmann, EM da Silva
Chemosphere 58 (9), 1277-1281, 2005
Copper-driven avoidance and mortality in temperate and tropical tadpoles
CVM Araújo, C Shinn, M Moreira-Santos, I Lopes, ELG Espíndola, ...
Aquatic toxicology 146, 70-75, 2014
Is the cell wall of marine phytoplankton a protective barrier or a nanoparticle interaction site? Toxicological responses of Chlorella autotrophica and Dunaliella salina to Ag …
M Sendra, J Blasco, CVM Araújo
Ecological Indicators 95, 1053-1067, 2018
Habitat fragmentation caused by contaminants: Atrazine as a chemical barrier isolating fish populations
CVM Araujo, DCVR Silva, LET Gomes, RD Acayaba, CC Montagner, ...
Chemosphere 193, 24-31, 2018
Effect of erythromycin and modulating effect of CeO2 NPs on the toxicity exerted by the antibiotic on the microalgae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Phaeodactylum tricornutum
M Sendra, I Moreno-Garrido, J Blasco, CVM Araújo
Environmental pollution 242, 357-366, 2018
Avoidance response of Danio rerio to a fungicide in a linear contamination gradient
CVM Araújo, C Shinn, LB Mendes, D Delello-Schneider, AL Sanchez, ...
Science of the total environment 484, 36-42, 2014
Ingestion and bioaccumulation of polystyrene nanoplastics and their effects on the microalgal feeding of Artemia franciscana
M Sendra, E Sparaventi, J Blasco, I Moreno-Garrido, CVM Araújo
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 188, 109853, 2020
What if aquatic animals move away from pesticide-contaminated habitats before suffering adverse physiological effects? A critical review
M Moreira-Santos, R Ribeiro, CVM Araújo
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 49 (11), 989-1025, 2019
Acute and chronic sensitivity, avoidance behavior and sensitive life stages of bullfrog tadpoles exposed to the biopesticide abamectin
AM Vasconcelos, MA Daam, LRA dos Santos, ALM Sanches, CVM Araújo, ...
Ecotoxicology 25, 500-509, 2016
Preference and avoidance responses by tadpoles: the fungicide pyrimethanil as a habitat disturber
CVM Araújo, C Shinn, AM Vasconcelos, R Ribeiro, ELG Espindola
Ecotoxicology 23, 851-860, 2014
Fipronil and 2, 4-D effects on tropical fish: Could avoidance response be explained by changes in swimming behavior and neurotransmission impairments?
RA Moreira, CVM Araújo, TJ da Silva Pinto, LCM da Silva, BV Goulart, ...
Chemosphere 263, 127972, 2021
Potential effects of triclosan on spatial displacement and local population decline of the fish Poecilia reticulata using a non-forced system
DCVR Silva, CVM Araújo, JC López-Doval, MB Neto, FT Silva, TCB Paiva, ...
Chemosphere 184, 329-336, 2017
Attractiveness of food and avoidance from contamination as conflicting stimuli to habitat selection by fish
CVM Araújo, ENV Rodríguez, D Salvatierra, LA Cedeño-Macias, ...
Chemosphere 163, 177-183, 2016
Not only toxic but repellent: What can organisms’ responses tell us about contamination and what are the ecological consequences when they flee from an environment?
CVM Araújo, A Laissaoui, DCVR Silva, E Ramos-Rodríguez, ...
Toxics 8 (4), 118, 2020
Short-term toxicity tests on the harpacticoid copepod Tisbe battagliai: lethal and reproductive endpoints
FR Diz, CVM Araújo, I Moreno-Garrido, M Hampel, J Blasco
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 72 (7), 1881-1886, 2009
Spatial avoidance as a response to contamination by aquatic organisms in nonforced, multicompartmented exposure systems: a complementary approach to the behavioral response
CVM Araújo, J Blasco
Environmental toxicology and chemistry 38 (2), 312-320, 2019
Sensitivity of Cylindrotheca closterium to copper: Influence of three test endpoints and two test methods
CVM Araújo, FR Diz, LM Lubián, J Blasco, I Moreno-Garrido
Science of the total environment 408 (17), 3696-3703, 2010
Potential of environmental concentrations of the musks galaxolide and tonalide to induce oxidative stress and genotoxicity in the marine environment
FO Ehiguese, MR Alam, MG Pintado-Herrera, CVM Araújo, ...
Marine Environmental Research 160, 105019, 2020
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Articles 1–20