Michael Bortz
Michael Bortz
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Phase transitions and pairing signature in strongly attractive Fermi atomic gases
XW Guan, MT Batchelor, C Lee, M Bortz
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (8), 085120, 2007
Challenges in process optimization for new feedstocks and energy sources
A Mitsos, N Asprion, CA Floudas, M Bortz, M Baldea, D Bonvin, A Caspari, ...
Computers & Chemical Engineering 113, 209-221, 2018
Exact dynamics in the inhomogeneous central-spin model
M Bortz, J Stolze
Physical Review B 76 (1), 014304, 2007
Multi-criteria optimization in chemical process design and decision support by navigation on Pareto sets
M Bortz, J Burger, N Asprion, S Blagov, R Böttcher, U Nowak, ...
Computers & chemical engineering 60, 354-363, 2014
Evidence for the super Tonks–Girardeau gas
MT Batchelor, M Bortz, XW Guan, N Oelkers
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2005 (10), L10001, 2005
Bethe ansatz study of one-dimensional Bose and Fermi gases with periodic and hard wall boundary conditions
N Oelkers, MT Batchelor, M Bortz, XW Guan
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 39 (5), 1073, 2006
Machine learning in thermodynamics: Prediction of activity coefficients by matrix completion
F Jirasek, RAS Alves, J Damay, RA Vandermeulen, R Bamler, M Bortz, ...
The journal of physical chemistry letters 11 (3), 981-985, 2020
Wigner crystal versus Friedel oscillations in the one-dimensional Hubbard model
SA Söffing, M Bortz, I Schneider, A Struck, M Fleischhauer, S Eggert
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (19), 195114, 2009
Dynamics and decoherence in the central spin model using exact methods
M Bortz, S Eggert, C Schneider, R Stübner, J Stolze
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (16), 161308, 2010
Gray‐box modeling for the optimization of chemical processes
N Asprion, R Böttcher, R Pack, ME Stavrou, J Höller, J Schwientek, ...
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 91 (3), 305-313, 2019
Spin and entanglement dynamics in the central-spin model with homogeneous couplings
M Bortz, J Stolze
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2007 (06), P06018, 2007
Exact results for the one-dimensional mixed boson-fermion interacting gas
MT Batchelor, M Bortz, XW Guan, N Oelkers
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 72 (6), 061603, 2005
Multi‐Objective Optimization and Decision Support in Process Engineering–Implementation and Application
J Burger, N Asprion, S Blagov, R Böttcher, U Nowak, M Bortz, R Welke, ...
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 86 (7), 1065-1072, 2014
Exact results for the 1D interacting Fermi gas with arbitrary polarization
MT Batchelor, M Bortz, XW Guan, N Oelkers
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 42 (1), 5, 2006
Spontaneous parametric down-conversion of photons at 660 nm to the terahertz and sub-terahertz frequency range
B Haase, M Kutas, F Riexinger, P Bickert, A Keil, D Molter, M Bortz, ...
Optics Express 27 (5), 7458-7468, 2019
Multi‐criteria optimization for parameterization of SAFT‐type equations of state for water
E Forte, J Burger, K Langenbach, H Hasse, M Bortz
AIChE Journal 64 (1), 226-237, 2018
Exact thermodynamic limit of short-range correlation functions of the antiferromagnetic XXZ-chain at finite temperatures
M Bortz, F Göhmann
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 46, 399-408, 2005
The digital twin–your ingenious companion for process engineering and smart production
A Bamberg, L Urbas, S Bröcker, M Bortz, N Kockmann
Chemical Engineering & Technology 44 (6), 954-961, 2021
Mathematics in chemical engineering
BA Finlayson, LT Biegler, IE Grossmann
Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, 2000
INES–an interface between experiments and simulation to support the development of robust process designs
N Asprion, R Benfer, S Blagov, R Böttcher, M Bortz, M Berezhnyi, J Burger, ...
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 87 (12), 1810-1825, 2015
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Articles 1–20