Peter Etnoyer
Peter Etnoyer
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Sea-surface temperature gradients across blue whale and sea turtle foraging trajectories off the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico
P Etnoyer, D Canny, BR Mate, LE Morgan, JG Ortega-Ortiz, WJ Nichols
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 53 (3-4), 340-358, 2006
Habitat availability and heterogeneity and the Indo-Pacific warm pool as predictors of marine species richness in the tropical Indo-Pacific
JC Sanciangco, KE Carpenter, PJ Etnoyer, F Moretzsohn
PLoS One 8 (2), e56245, 2013
Persistent pelagic habitats in the Baja California to Bering Sea (B2B) ecoregion
P Etnoyer, D Canny, B Mate, L Morgan
Oceanography, 90-101, 2004
Habitat-forming deep-sea corals in the Northeast Pacific Ocean
P Etnoyer, LE Morgan
Cold-water corals and ecosystems, 331-343, 2005
Decline in condition of gorgonian octocorals on mesophotic reefs in the northern Gulf of Mexico: before and after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
PJ Etnoyer, LN Wickes, M Silva, JD Dubick, L Balthis, E Salgado, ...
Coral Reefs 35, 77-90, 2016
A catshark nursery in a deep gorgonian field in the Mississippi Canyon, Gulf of Mexico
P Etnoyer, J Warrenchuk
Bulletin of Marine Science 81 (3), 553-559, 2007
Coral injuries observed at mesophotic reefs after the Deepwater Horizon oil discharge
M Silva, PJ Etnoyer, IR MacDonald
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 129, 96-107, 2016
Biomaterial structure in deep‐sea bamboo coral (Anthozoa: Gorgonacea: Isididae): perspectives for the development of bone implants and templates for tissue engineering
H Ehrlich, P Etnoyer, SD Litvinov, MM Olennikova, H Domaschke, ...
Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik: Entwicklung, Fertigung, Prüfung …, 2006
How Large Is the Seamount Biome?
PJ Etnoyer, J Wood, TC Shirley
Oceanography 23 (1), 206, 2010
Crumbling reefs and cold-water coral habitat loss in a future ocean: evidence of “Coralporosis” as an indicator of habitat integrity
SJ Hennige, U Wolfram, L Wickes, F Murray, JM Roberts, NA Kamenos, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 668, 2020
Growth and feeding of deep-sea coral Lophelia pertusa from the California margin under simulated ocean acidification conditions
CE Gómez, L Wickes, D Deegan, PJ Etnoyer, EE Cordes
PeerJ 6, e5671, 2018
A phylogenetic approach to octocoral community structure in the deep Gulf of Mexico
AM Quattrini, PJ Etnoyer, C Doughty, L English, R Falco, N Remon, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 99, 92-102, 2014
Toxicity of oil and dispersant on the deep water gorgonian octocoral Swiftia exserta, with implications for the effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
J Frometa, ME DeLorenzo, EC Pisarski, PJ Etnoyer
Marine pollution bulletin 122 (1-2), 91-99, 2017
A new species of Isidella bamboo coral (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea: Isididae) from northeast Pacific Seamounts
PJ Etnoyer
Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 121 (4), 541-553, 2008
Occurrence of deep-water Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata in the Gulf of Mexico
WW Schroeder, SD Brooke, JB Olson, B Phaneuf, JJ McDonough, ...
Cold-water corals and ecosystems, 297-307, 2005
Biodiversity assessment of the fishes of Saba Bank atoll, Netherlands Antilles
JT Williams, KE Carpenter, JL Van Tassell, P Hoetjes, W Toller, P Etnoyer, ...
PLoS One 5 (5), e10676, 2010
Models of habitat suitability, size, and age-class structure for the deep-sea black coral Leiopathes glaberrima in the Gulf of Mexico
PJ Etnoyer, D Wagner, HA Fowle, M Poti, B Kinlan, SE Georgian, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 150, 218-228, 2018
Marine priority conservation areas: Baja California to the Bering Sea
LE Morgan
Commission for Environmental Cooperation of North America, 2005
Rapid assessment of octocoral diversity and habitat on Saba Bank, Netherlands Antilles
PJ Etnoyer, HH Wirshing, JA Sánchez
PLoS One 5 (5), e10668, 2010
Áreas prioritarias marinas para la conservación: Baja California al mar de Bering
L Morgan, S Maxwell, F Tsao, TAC Wilkinson, P Etnoyer
Comisión para la Cooperación Ambiental y Marine Conservation Biology …, 2005
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