Frank Runkel
Frank Runkel
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Influence of hydrophilic surfactants on the properties of multiple W/O/W emulsions
T Schmidts, D Dobler, C Nissing, F Runkel
Journal of colloid and interface science 338 (1), 184-192, 2009
Ionic liquids as ingredients in topical drug delivery systems
D Dobler, T Schmidts, I Klingenhöfer, F Runkel
International journal of pharmaceutics 441 (1-2), 620-627, 2013
Dynamics of β2-Adrenergic Receptor−Ligand Complexes on Living Cells
O Hegener, L Prenner, F Runkel, SL Baader, J Kappler, H Häberlein
Biochemistry 43 (20), 6190-6199, 2004
α-Hederin, but Not Hederacoside C and Hederagenin from Hedera helix, Affects the Binding Behavior, Dynamics, and Regulation of β2-Adrenergic Receptors
A Sieben, L Prenner, T Sorkalla, A Wolf, D Jakobs, F Runkel, ...
Biochemistry 48 (15), 3477-3482, 2009
Multiple W/O/W emulsions—Using the required HLB for emulsifier evaluation
T Schmidts, D Dobler, AC Guldan, N Paulus, F Runkel
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 372 (1-3 …, 2010
Development of multiple W/O/W emulsions as dermal carrier system for oligonucleotides: Effect of additives on emulsion stability
T Schmidts, D Dobler, P Schlupp, C Nissing, H Garn, F Runkel
International Journal of Pharmaceutics 398 (1-2), 107-113, 2010
A targeted rheological bioink development guideline and its systematic correlation with printing behavior
A Pössl, D Hartzke, TM Schmidts, FE Runkel, P Schlupp
Biofabrication 13 (3), 035021, 2021
Treatment of chronic bronchitis with ivy leaf special extract--multicenter post-marketing surveillance study in 1,350 patients
M Hecker, F Runkel, A Voelp
Forschende Komplementarmedizin und klassische Naturheilkunde= Research in …, 2002
Caffeine administration modulates TGF-β signaling but does not attenuate blunted alveolarization in a hyperoxia-based mouse model of bronchopulmonary dysplasia
P Rath, C Nardiello, DE Surate Solaligue, R Agius, I Mižíková, S Hühn, ...
Pediatric research 81 (5), 795-805, 2017
Quality standards for herbal drugs and herbal drug preparations–appropriate or improvements necessary?
R Länger, E Stöger, W Kubelka, K Helliwell
Planta Medica 84 (06/07), 350-360, 2018
Effect of essential oils on oral halitosis treatment: a review
D Dobler, F Runkel, T Schmidts
European journal of oral sciences 128 (6), 476-486, 2020
Hydrophilic ionic liquids as ingredients of gel-based dermal formulations
D Dobler, T Schmidts, C Zinecker, P Schlupp, J Schäfer, F Runkel
Aaps Pharmscitech 17, 923-931, 2016
Development of drug delivery systems for the dermal application of therapeutic DNAzymes
T Schmidts, K Marquardt, P Schlupp, D Dobler, F Heinz, U Mäder, H Garn, ...
International journal of pharmaceutics 431 (1-2), 61-69, 2012
Ivy leaves dry extract EA 575® decreases LPS-induced IL-6 release from murine macrophages
J Schulte-Michels, F Runkel, S Gokorsch, H Häberlein
Die Pharmazie-An International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 71 (3 …, 2016
Development and validation of an alternative disturbed skin model by mechanical abrasion to study drug penetration
P Schlupp, M Weber, T Schmidts, K Geiger, F Runkel
Results in pharma sciences 4, 26-33, 2014
Required HLB determination of some pharmaceutical oils in submicron emulsions
T Schmidts, P Schlupp, A Gross, D Dobler, F Runkel
Journal of dispersion science and technology 33 (6), 816-820, 2012
Development of an alternative, time and cost saving method of creating pseudoternary diagrams using the example of a microemulsion
T Schmidts, P Nocker, G Lavi, J Kuhlmann, P Czermak, F Runkel
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 340 (1-3 …, 2009
Protective effect of drug delivery systems against the enzymatic degradation of dermally applied DNAzyme
T Schmidts, D Dobler, S von den Hoff, P Schlupp, H Garn, F Runkel
International journal of pharmaceutics 410 (1-2), 75-82, 2011
Behandlung chronischer Bronchitis mit einem Spezialextrakt aus Efeublättern–multizentrische Anwendungsbeobachtung mit 1350 Patienten
M Hecker, F Runkel, A Völp
Forschende Komplementärmedizin und Klassische Naturheilkunde/Research in …, 2002
Dermal delivery of therapeutic DNAzymes via chitosan hydrogels
AC Eicher, D Dobler, C Kiselmann, T Schmidts, F Runkel
International journal of pharmaceutics 563, 208-216, 2019
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