Artem Novozhilov
Artem Novozhilov
Associate Professor, Mathematics, North Dakota State University
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Citované v
Origin and evolution of the genetic code: the universal enigma
EV Koonin, AS Novozhilov
IUBMB Life 61 (2), 99-111, 2009
Dynamical systems and models in biology
AS Bratus, AS Novozhilov, AP Platonov
Fizmatlit (in Russian), 2010
Biological applications of the theory of birth-and-death processes
AS Novozhilov, GP Karev, EV Koonin
Briefings in bioinformatics 7 (1), 70-85, 2006
Origin and evolution of the universal genetic code
EV Koonin, AS Novozhilov
Annual review of genetics 51 (1), 45-62, 2017
Mathematical modeling of tumor therapy with oncolytic viruses: Regimes with complete tumor elimination within the framework of deterministic models
AS Novozhilov, FS Berezovskaya, EV Koonin, GP Karev
Biology Direct 1 (6), 1-18, 2006
Evolution of the genetic code: partial optimization of a random code for robustness to translation error in a rugged fitness landscape
AS Novozhilov, YI Wolf, EV Koonin
Biology direct 2 (24), 1-24, 2007
Mathematical modeling of evolution of horizontally transferred genes
AS Novozhilov, GP Karev, EV Koonin
Molecular biology and evolution 22 (8), 1721-1732, 2005
On the spread of epidemics in a closed heterogeneous population
AS Novozhilov
Mathematical biosciences 215 (2), 177-185, 2008
Mathematical modeling of tumor therapy with oncolytic viruses: effects of parametric heterogeneity on cell dynamics
GP Karev, AS Novozhilov, EV Koonin
Biology direct 1 (30), 19, 2006
Population models with singular equilibrium
FS Berezovskaya, AS Novozhilov, GP Karev
Mathematical biosciences 208 (1), 270-299, 2007
Exceptional error minimization in putative primordial genetic codes
AS Novozhilov, EV Koonin
Biology direct 4 (1), 44, 2009
Epidemiological models with parametric heterogeneity: Deterministic theory for closed populations
AS Novozhilov
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 7 (3), 147-167, 2012
2 1 National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20894, USA; email:[email protected] 2 …
AS Novozhilov
USA Annual Review of Genetics 51, 45-62, 0
Linear algebra of the permutation invariant Crow–Kimura model of prebiotic evolution
AS Bratus, AS Novozhilov, YS Semenov
Mathematical biosciences 256, 42-57, 2014
A note on the replicator equation with explicit space and global regulation
AS Bratus, VP Posvyanskii, AS Novozhilov
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 8 (3), 659-676, 2011
Families of traveling impulses and fronts in some models with cross-diffusion
FS Berezovskaya, AS Novozhilov, GP Karev
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 9 (5), 1866-1881, 2008
Mathematical models for pollution-environment interaction
A Bratus, A Meshcherin, A Novozhilov
Vestnik MGU, Vychislitelnaya matematica i kybernetica. 2001, 1:23-28, 23-28, 2001
On the asymptotic behaviour of the solutions to the replicator equation
GP Karev, AS Novozhilov, FS Berezovskaya
Mathematical Medicine and Biology 28 (2), 89, 2011
Adaptive fitness landscape for replicator systems: to maximize or not to maximize
AS Bratus, YS Semenov, AS Novozhilov
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 13 (3), 25, 2018
On the reaction–diffusion replicator systems: spatial patterns and asymptotic behaviour
AS Novozhilov, VP Posvyanskii, AS Bratus
Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling 26 (6), 555-564, 2012
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