Raoul Jetley
Raoul Jetley
ABB Corporate Research
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Safety-assured development of the gpca infusion pump software
BG Kim, A Ayoub, O Sokolsky, I Lee, P Jones, Y Zhang, R Jetley
Proceedings of the ninth ACM international conference on Embedded software …, 2011
A formal methods approach to medical device review
R Jetley, SP Iyer, P Jones
Computer 39 (4), 61-67, 2006
Formal methods based development of a PCA infusion pump reference model: Generic infusion pump (GIP) project
D Arney, R Jetley, P Jones, I Lee, O Sokolsky
2007 Joint Workshop on High Confidence Medical Devices, Software, and …, 2007
A hazard analysis for a generic insulin infusion pump
Y Zhang, PL Jones, R Jetley
Journal of diabetes science and technology 4 (2), 263-283, 2010
An open test bed for medical device integration and coordination
A King, S Procter, D Andresen, J Hatcliff, S Warren, W Spees, R Jetley, ...
2009 31st International Conference on Software Engineering-Companion Volume …, 2009
Static analysis of medical device software using CodeSonar
RP Jetley, PL Jones, P Anderson
Proceedings of the 2008 workshop on Static analysis, 22-29, 2008
Generic safety requirements for developing safe insulin pump software
Y Zhang, R Jetley, PL Jones, A Ray
Journal of diabetes science and technology 5 (6), 1403-1419, 2011
Inter-operable Medical Devices: Security Issues
K Venkatasubramanian, S Gupta, R Jetley, P Jones
IEEE Pulse 1 (2), 16-27, 2010
Discovering likely mappings between APIs using text mining
R Pandita, RP Jetley, SD Sudarsan, L Williams
2015 IEEE 15th International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and …, 2015
A classification framework for automated control code generation in industrial automation
H Koziolek, A Burger, M Platenius-Mohr, R Jetley
Journal of Systems and Software 166, 110575, 2020
Generic infusion pump hazard analysis and safety requirements version 1.0
DE Arney, R Jetley, I Lee, P Jones, O Sokolsky, A Ray, Y Zhang
Source code metrics for programmable logic controller (PLC) ladder diagram (LD) visual programming language
L Kumar, R Jetley, A Sureka
Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software …, 2016
A case study on applying formal methods to medical devices: computer-aided resuscitation algorithm
RP Jetley, C Carlos, SP Iyer
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 5, 320-330, 2004
Applying software engineering practices for development of industrial automation applications
R Jetley, A Nair, P Chandrasekaran, A Dubey
2013 11th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN …, 2013
Language impact on productivity for industrial end users: A case study from Programmable Logic Controllers
F Fronchetti, N Ritschel, R Holmes, L Li, M Soto, R Jetley, I Wiese, ...
Journal of Computer Languages 69, 101087, 2022
Rule-based code generation in industrial automation: four large-scale case studies applying the cayenne method
H Koziolek, A Burger, M Platenius-Mohr, J Rückert, H Abukwaik, R Jetley, ...
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 42nd International Conference on Software …, 2020
Design considerations for medical devices in the home environment
D Kaufman-Rivi, J Collins-Mitchell, R Jetley
Home Healthcare Horizons, 21-26, 2010
A static code analysis tool for control system software
S Nair, R Jetley, A Nair, S Hauck-Stattelmann
2015 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and …, 2015
Towards requirements change decision support
S Ghosh, S Ramaswamy, RP Jetley
2013 20th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC) 1, 148-155, 2013
A formal methods-based verification approach to medical device software analysis
P Jones, R Jetley, J Abraham
Embedded Systems Design, 2010
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Articles 1–20