Gregory Niemesh
Gregory Niemesh
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Unions and the Great Compression of wage inequality in the US at mid‐century: evidence from local labour markets
WJ Collins, GT Niemesh
The Economic History Review 72 (2), 691-715, 2019
Understanding the Success of the Know-Nothing Party
M Alsan, K Eriksson, G Niemesh
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020
Revising infant mortality rates for the early twentieth century United States
K Eriksson, GT Niemesh, M Thomasson
Demography 55 (6), 2001-2024, 2018
Death in the promised land: The Great Migration and black infant mortality
K Eriksson, G Niemesh
Available at SSRN 3071053, 2016
Marriage and the Intergenerational Mobility of Women: Evidence from Marriage Certificates 1850-1920
K Eriksson, M Rashid, G Niemesh, J Craig
Ironing out deficiencies: Evidence from the united states on the economic effects of iron deficiency
GT Niemesh
Journal of Human Resources 50 (4), 910-958, 2015
Medical education reforms and the origins of the rural physician shortage
CM Moehling, GT Niemesh, MA Thomasson, J Treber
Cliometrica 14, 181-225, 2020
Racial residential segregation and black low birth weight, 1970–2010
GT Niemesh, KL Shester
Regional Science and Urban Economics, 103542, 2020
Shut Down and Shut Out: Women Physicians in the Era of Medical Education Reform
CM Moehling, GT Niemesh, MA Thomasson
Draft Manuscript. Version: April, 2019
Revisiting the Great Compression: wage inequality in the United States, 1940–1960
T Jaworski, GT Niemesh
Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History …, 2018
Immigration and Infant Mortality in Massachusetts: Evidence from the Age of Mass Migration
K Eriksson, PZ Lin, G Niemesh
Technical report. Available at: http://kaeriksson. ucdavis. edu/uploads/6/0 …, 2020
Do menu-labelling laws translate into results? The disparate impacts on population obesity and diabetes
J Craig, CC Moul, GT Niemesh
Applied Economics 52 (14), 1592-1605, 2020
The Impact of Land Bank Demolitions on Property Values
G Niemesh, LA Jones-Farmer, J Hart, W Holmes, N Soundappan
Revised Infant Mortality Rates and Births for the United States, 1915-1940
K Eriksson, GT Niemesh, MA Thomasson
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, 2018
Immigration Shocks and Marriage Market Sorting
K Eriksson, A Lake, GT Niemesh
AEA Papers and Proceedings 112, 214-218, 2022
Income Gains and the Geography of the US Home Ownership Boom, 1940 to 1960
WJ Collins, G Niemesh
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2023
Improvements in Health and the Organization and Development of Health Care and Health Insurance Markets
GT Niemesh, MA Thomasson
Journal: Handbook of Cliometrics, 1-20, 2018
Work more, earn more: Occupations that pay a premium for longer workweeks
G Niemesh
Occupational Outlook Quarterly 50 (4), 14, 2006
The economic and health benefits of iron fortification in the United States
GT Niemesh
Vanderbilt University, 2012
Marriage and the Intergenerational Mobility of Women: Evidence from Marriage Certificates 1850-1910 Supplemental Online Appendix
J Craig, K Eriksson, GT Niemesh
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