Elizabeth B. Harper
Elizabeth B. Harper
Executive Director, Lake Sunapee Protective Association
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Citované v
Effects of timber harvest on amphibian populations: understanding mechanisms from forest experiments
RD Semlitsch, BD Todd, SM Blomquist, AJK Calhoun, JW Gibbons, ...
BioScience 59 (10), 853-862, 2009
Demographic consequences of terrestrial habitat loss for pool‐breeding amphibians: predicting extinction risks associated with inadequate size of buffer zones
EB Harper, TAG Rittenhouse, RD Semlitsch
Conservation Biology 22 (5), 1205-1215, 2008
The role of microhabitats in the desiccation and survival of anurans in recently harvested oak–hickory forest
TAG Rittenhouse, EB Harper, LR Rehard, RD Semlitsch
Copeia 2008 (4), 807-814, 2008
Density dependence in the terrestrial life history stage of two anurans
EB Harper, RD Semlitsch
Oecologia 153, 879-889, 2007
Global sensitivity analysis for complex ecological models: a case study of riparian cottonwood population dynamics
EB Harper, JC Stella, AK Fremier
Ecological Applications 21 (4), 1225-1240, 2011
Effects of timber harvesting on pond‐breeding amphibian persistence: testing the evacuation hypothesis
RD Semlitsch, CA Conner, DJ Hocking, TAG Rittenhouse, EB Harper
Ecological Applications 18 (2), 283-289, 2008
Terrestrial habitat selection and strong density‐dependent mortality in recently metamorphosed amphibians
DA Patrick, EB Harper, ML Hunter Jr, AJK Calhoun
Ecology 89 (9), 2563-2574, 2008
Breeding and recruitment phenology of amphibians in Missouri oak-hickory forests
DJ Hocking, TAG Rittenhouse, BB Rothermel, JR Johnson, CA Conner, ...
The American Midland Naturalist 160 (1), 41-60, 2008
Field guide to the amphibians of the Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests of Tanzania and Kenya
EB Harper, GJ Measey, DA Patrick, M Menegon, JR Vonesh, I Swilla
Nairobi, Kenya: Camerapix Publishers International 114, 2010
Quantifying model uncertainty to improve watershed-level ecosystem service quantification: a global sensitivity analysis of the RUSLE
N Estrada-Carmona, EB Harper, F DeClerck, AK Fremier
International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services …, 2017
The role of terrrestrial habitat in the population dynamics and conservation of pond-breeding amphibians
EB Harper
University of Missouri--Columbia, 2007
Effects of timber harvesting on terrestrial survival of pond-breeding amphibians
BD Todd, SM Blomquist, EB Harper, MS Osbourn
Forest Ecology and Management 313, 123-131, 2014
Impact of forestry practices at a landscape scale on the dynamics of amphibian populations
EB Harper, DA Patrick, JP Gibbs
Ecological Applications 25 (8), 2271-2284, 2015
Impact of habitat alteration on endemic Afromontane chameleons: evidence for historical population declines using hierarchical spatial modelling
PL Shirk, DW Linden, DA Patrick, KM Howell, EB Harper, JR Vonesh
Diversity and Distributions 20 (10), 1186-1199, 2014
Abundance and roosting ecology of chameleons in the East Usambara Mountains of Tanzania and the potential effects of harvesting
DA Patrick, P Shirk, JR Vonesh, EB Harper, KM Howell
Herpetological Conservation and Biology 6 (3), 422-431, 2011
Effects of water temperature on larval amphibian predator-prey dynamics
B Eck, A Byrne, VD Popescu, EB Harper, DA Patrick
Herpetological Conservation and Biology 9 (2), 302-308, 2014
Abundance and phenology patterns of two pond-breeding salamanders determine species interactions in natural populations
TL Anderson, DJ Hocking, CA Conner, JE Earl, EB Harper, MS Osbourn, ...
Oecologia 177, 761-773, 2015
Field enclosures and terrestrial cages
EB Harper, JHK Pechmann, JW Petranka
Amphibian Ecology and Conservation. Oxford University Press, New York, 203-226, 2010
Relative importance of timber harvest and habitat for reptiles in experimental forestry plots
JE Earl, EB Harper, DJ Hocking, MS Osbourn, TAG Rittenhouse, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 402, 21-28, 2017
Effects of timber harvest on small mammal captures in experimental forestry plots
JE Earl, EB Harper, DJ Hocking, MS Osbourn, TAG Rittenhouse, ...
Animal biology 66 (3-4), 347-362, 2016
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