Dee Lisa Cothran
Dee Lisa Cothran
Professor of Psychology, Alabama State University
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Why are you bringing up condoms now? The effect of message content on framing effects of condom use messages.
SM Kiene, WD Barta, JM Zelenski, DL Cothran
Health Psychology 24 (3), 321, 2005
Comparison of inhibition in two timed reaction tasks: The color and emotion Stroop tasks
DL Cothran, R Larsen
The Journal of psychology 142 (4), 373-385, 2008
Preliminary assessment of Apache hopefulness: Relationships with hopelessness and with collective as well as personal self-esteem.
VL Hammond, PJ Watson, BJ O'Leary, DL Cothran
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research: The Journal of the …, 2009
Self‐control in Pakistani Muslims: relationships with religious orientation, depression and anxiety
ZH Khan, PJ Watson, DL Cothran
Journal of Beliefs & Values 29 (2), 213-216, 2008
Racial identity as a moderator of the relationship between perceived applicant similarity and hiring decisions
BJ O'Leary, CR Durham, BL Weathington, DL Cothran, CJL Cunningham
Journal of Black Psychology 35 (1), 63-77, 2009
Authorship attribution vs. adversarial authorship from a liwc and sentiment analysis perspective
J Gaston, M Narayanan, G Dozier, DL Cothran, C Arms-Chavez, M Rossi, ...
2018 IEEE symposium series on computational intelligence (SSCI), 920-927, 2018
Authorship attribution via evolutionary hybridization of sentiment analysis, LIWC, and topic modeling features
J Gaston, M Narayanan, G Dozier, DL Cothran, C Arms-Chavez, M Rossi, ...
2018 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 933-940, 2018
Do emotion words interfere with processing emotion faces? Stroop-like interference versus automatic vigilance for negative information
DL Cothran, RJ Larsen, JM Zelenski, Z Prizmic
Imagination, Cognition and Personality 32 (1), 59-73, 2012
Dramatic plays as a tool to educate young African-American females about HIV-AIDS
C Livingston, J., Smith, J.M., Mohabir, J., Smith, C., Madry, J., Knight, T ...
Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice 7, 1-9, 2014
Studying guilt perception in millennials: Unexpected effects of suspects’ race and attractiveness
DL Cothran, EV Stepanova, KR Barlow
Imagination, Cognition and Personality 36 (4), 379-399, 2017
Facial affect and race influence threat perception
DL Cothran
Imagination, Cognition and Personality 30 (3), 341-354, 2011
Mysticism matters: Distinguishing between intrinsic religiosity, extrinsic religiosity, and spirituality using higher-order factors of personality and mysticism
ML Campbell, SA Lee, DL Cothran
Archive for the Psychology of Religion 32 (2), 195-216, 2010
Why Do You Talk, You Know, like "That"?: Using scm and evt to Explore the Microaggressive Student-Teacher Bullying of Expectancy-Violating Black Women
DL Cothran
Journal of Black Sexuality and Relationships 2 (3), 11-23, 2016
Meeting the need: Developing an on-line, open access journal focused on ethnic minority undergraduate students
M Harrell, DL Cothran
Journal of Undergraduate Ethnic Minority Psychology 1 (1), 1, 2015
Gender differences in identity processing style and Islamic religiosity in an Iranian undergraduate university sample
DL Khodarahimi, S., & Cothran
Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion 5 (5), 2009
The role of facial affect in the perception of threat posed by Black faces.
DLA Cothran
Disparities in the Prevalence of Mental Illness Among Black Americans
D Lisa Cothran
Health Disparities Among Under-served Populations: Implications for Research …, 2012
The Emotion Face-word Stroop Task: A Pilot Study
DLA Cothran
Washington University, 2002
Promoting Peace Activism: From Herbert Kelman (2010) to Black Lives Matter
Social Psychology and World Peace: A Primer, 248, 0
Increasing Student Engagement Through Film:‘Film’the Change You Want to See
DL Cothran
Copyright and Other Legal Notices, 5, 0
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