Kerstin Denecke
Kerstin Denecke
Scientific Director, ICCAS, Leipzig
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Cited by
Using SentiWordNet for multilingual sentiment analysis
K Denecke
Data Engineering Workshop, 2008. ICDEW 2008. IEEE 24th International …, 2008
Social Media and Internet‐Based Data in Global Systems for Public Health Surveillance: A Systematic Review
E Velasco, T Agheneza, K Denecke, G Kirchner, T Eckmanns
Milbank Quarterly 92 (1), 7-33, 2014
How valuable is medical social media data? Content analysis of the medical web
K Denecke, W Nejdl
Information Sciences 179 (12), 1870-1880, 2009
Are SentiWordNet scores suited for multi-domain sentiment classification?
K Denecke
Digital Information Management, 2009. ICDIM 2009. Fourth International …, 2009
How to Exploit Twitter for Public Health Monitoring?
K Denecke, M Krieck, L Otrusina, P Smrz, P Dolog, W Nejdl, E Velasco
Methods Inf Med 52 (4), 326-339, 2013
A new age of public health: Identifying disease outbreaks by analyzing tweets
M Krieck, J Dreesman, L Otrusina, K Denecke
Proceedings of Health Web-Science Workshop, ACM Web Science Conference, 2011
Scalable detection of sentiment-based contradictions
M Tsytsarau, T Palpanas, K Denecke
DiversiWeb, WWW 2011, 2011
Scalable discovery of contradictions on the web
M Tsytsarau, T Palpanas, K Denecke
Proceedings of the 19th international conference on World wide web, 1195-1196, 2010
Epidemic Intelligence for the Crowd, by the Crowd.
E Diaz-Aviles, A Stewart, E Velasco, K Denecke, W Nejdl
ICWSM, 2012
Unsupervised public health event detection for epidemic intelligence
M Fisichella, A Stewart, K Denecke, W Nejdl
Proceedings of the 19th ACM international conference on Information and …, 2010
K Denecke
Methods Inf Med 47, 425-434, 2008
Extracting Medical Concepts from Medical Social Media with Clinical NLP Tools: A Qualitative Study
K Denecke
Retrieving attitudes: Sentiment analysis from clinical narratives
Y Deng, M Stoehr, K Denecke
Medical Information Retrieval Workshop at SIGIR 2014, 12, 2014
Ethical aspects of using medical social media in healthcare applications
K Denecke
Studies in health technology and informatics 198, 55-62, 2014
Detecting health events on the social web to enable epidemic intelligence
M Fisichella, A Stewart, A Cuzzocrea, K Denecke
String Processing and Information Retrieval, 87-103, 2011
Towards personalized learning to rank for epidemic intelligence based on social media streams
E Diaz-Aviles, A Stewart, E Velasco, K Denecke, W Nejdl
Proceedings of the 21st international conference companion on World Wide Web …, 2012
Making use of social media data in public health
K Denecke, P Dolog, P Smrz
Proceedings of the 21st international conference companion on World Wide Web …, 2012
How to assess customer opinions beyond language barriers?
K Denecke
Digital Information Management, 2008. ICDIM 2008. Third International …, 2008
Medical case-driven classification of microblogs: Characteristics and annotation
M Sofean, K Denecke, A Stewart, M Smith
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGHIT International Health Informatics Symposium …, 2012
On the interdisciplinary foundations of diversity
V Maltese, F Giunchiglia, K Denecke, P Lewis, C Wallner, A Baldry, ...
University of Trento, 2009
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Articles 1–20