Senda Jiménez-Delgado
Senda Jiménez-Delgado
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Disease‐specific phenotypes in dopamine neurons from human iPS‐based models of genetic and sporadic Parkinson's disease
A Sánchez‐Danés, Y Richaud‐Patin, I Carballo‐Carbajal, ...
EMBO molecular medicine 4 (5), 380-395, 2012
The nucleus measures shape changes for cellular proprioception to control dynamic cell behavior
V Venturini, F Pezzano, F Catala Castro, HM Häkkinen, ...
Science 370 (6514), eaba2644, 2020
Insights into spawning behavior and development of the european amphioxus (Branchiostoma lanceolatum)
M Fuentes, E Benito, S Bertrand, M Paris, A Mignardot, L Godoy, ...
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental …, 2007
Gene expansion and retention leads to a diverse tyrosine kinase superfamily in amphioxus
S D'Aniello, M Irimia, I Maeso, J Pascual-Anaya, S Jiménez-Delgado, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 25 (9), 1841-1854, 2008
Proteomics analysis of extracellular matrix remodeling during zebrafish heart regeneration*[S]
A Garcia-Puig, JL Mosquera, S Jiménez-Delgado, C García-Pastor, ...
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 18 (9), 1745-1755, 2019
Engineered macroscale cardiac constructs elicit human myocardial tissue-like functionality
M Valls-Margarit, O Iglesias-García, C Di Guglielmo, L Sarlabous, ...
Stem Cell Reports 13 (1), 207-220, 2019
The amphioxus Hairy family: differential fate after duplication
C Minguillón, S Jiménez-Delgado, G Panopoulou, J Garcia-Fernàndez
Oxford University Press for The Company of Biologists Limited 130 (24), 5903 …, 2003
Implications of duplicated cis-regulatory elements in the evolution of metazoans: the DDI model or how simplicity begets novelty
S Jiménez-Delgado, J Pascual-Anaya, J Garcia-Fernàndez
Briefings in Functional Genomics and Proteomics 8 (4), 266-275, 2009
Cooperative epithelial phagocytosis enables error correction in the early embryo
E Hoijman, HM Häkkinen, Q Tolosa-Ramon, S Jimenez-Delgado, C Wyatt, ...
Nature 590 (7847), 618-623, 2021
Reprogramming captures the genetic and tumorigenic properties of neurofibromatosis type 1 plexiform neurofibromas
M Carrió, H Mazuelas, Y Richaud-Patin, B Gel, E Terribas, I Rosas, ...
Stem Cell Reports 12 (2), 411-426, 2019
Activity and high-order effective connectivity alterations in Sanfilippo C patient-specific neuronal networks
I Canals, J Soriano, JG Orlandi, R Torrent, Y Richaud-Patin, ...
Stem cell reports 5 (4), 546-557, 2015
GATA2 promotes hematopoietic development and represses cardiac differentiation of human mesoderm
J Castano, S Aranda, C Bueno, FJ Calero-Nieto, E Mejia-Ramirez, ...
Stem Cell Reports 13 (3), 515-529, 2019
Generation and characterization of a human iPSC cell line expressing inducible Cas9 in the “safe harbor” AAVS1 locus
J Castaño, C Bueno, S Jiménez-Delgado, H Roca-Ho, MF Fraga, ...
Stem cell research 21, 137-140, 2017
Stepwise assembly of the Nova-regulated alternative splicing network in the vertebrate brain
M Irimia, A Denuc, D Burguera, I Somorjai, JM Martin-Duran, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (13), 5319-5324, 2011
CRISPR/Cas9-mediated generation of a tyrosine hydroxylase reporter iPSC line for live imaging and isolation of dopaminergic neurons
C Calatayud, G Carola, I Fernández-Carasa, M Valtorta, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 6811, 2019
Specialization of the photoreceptor transcriptome by Srrm3-dependent microexons is required for outer segment maintenance and vision
L Ciampi, F Mantica, L López-Blanch, J Permanyer, C Rodriguez-Marín, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (29), e2117090119, 2022
From the American to the European amphioxus: towards experimental Evo-Devo at the origin of chordates.
J Garcia-Fernandez, S Jimenez-Delgado, J Pascual-Anaya, I Maeso, ...
International Journal of Developmental Biology 53, 2009
Evolutionary genomics of the recently duplicated amphioxus Hairy genes
S Jiménez-Delgado, M Crespo, J Permanyer, J Garcia-Fernàndez, ...
International Journal of Biological Sciences 2 (2), 66, 2006
Disease-specific phenotypes in dopamine neurons from human iPS-based models of genetic and sporadic Parkinson’s disease. EMBO Mol Med. 2012; 4 (5): 380–95
A Sánchez-Danés, Y Richaud-Patin, I Carballo-Carbajal, ...
Epub 2012/03/13. https://doi. org/10. 1002/emmm. 201200215 PMID: 22407749, 2012
Chromosome segregation fidelity requires microtubule polyglutamylation by the cancer downregulated enzyme TTLL11
I Zadra, S Jimenez-Delgado, M Anglada-Girotto, C Segura-Morales, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 7147, 2022
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Articles 1–20