El Houssine Bouyakhf
El Houssine Bouyakhf
Professeur Université Mohamled V Rabat
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Dischoco 2: A platform for distributed constraint reasoning
M Wahbi, R Ezzahir, C Bessiere, EH Bouyakhf
Proceedings of DCR 11, 112-121, 2011
DisChoco: A platform for distributed constraint programming
R Ezzahir, C Bessiere, M Belaissaoui, EH Bouyakhf
Proceedings of the IJCAI 7, 16-21, 2007
Adaptive e-learning using genetic algorithms
S Azough, M Bellafkih, EH Bouyakhf
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 10 (7 …, 2010
Fast intra prediction algorithm for H. 264/AVC based on quadratic and gradient model
A Elyousfi, A Tamtaoui, E Bouyakhf
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 4 (1), 447-455, 2010
Boosting constraint acquisition via generalization queries
C Bessiere, R Coletta, A Daoudi, N Lazaar, Y Mechqrane, EH Bouyakhf
ECAI 2014, 99-104, 2014
Adaptive singleton-based consistencies
A Balafrej, C Bessiere, EH Bouyakhf, G Trombettoni
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 28 (1), 2014
Adaptive parameterized consistency
A Balafrej, C Bessiere, R Coletta, EH Bouyakhf
International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint …, 2013
New insights from a bounded rationality analysis for strategic price-QoS war
M Baslam, R El-Azouzi, E Sabir, EH Bouyakhf
6th international ICST conference on performance evaluation methodologies …, 2012
Global and local image descriptors for content based image retrieval and object recognition
Y Raoui, EH Bouyakhf, M Devy, F Regragui
Applied Mathematical Sciences 5 (42), 2109-2136, 2011
Stochastic learning solution for constrained nash equilibrium throughput in non saturated wireless collision channels
E Sabir, R El-Azouzi, V Kavitha, Y Hayel, EH Bouyakhf
Proceedings of the fourth international ICST conference on performance …, 2009
A new fast intra prediction mode decision algorithm for H. 264/AVC encoders
A Elyousfi, A Tamtaoui, E Bouyakhf
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 1 (3), 402-408, 2007
Encryption-compression of images based on FMT and AES algorithm
M Benabdellah, MM Himmi, N Zahid, F Regragui, EH Bouyakhf
Applied Mathematical Sciences 1 (45), 2203-2219, 2007
Asynchronous inter-level forward-checking for DisCSPs
R Ezzahir, C Bessiere, M Wahbi, I Benelallam, EH Bouyakhf
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming-CP 2009: 15th …, 2009
Nogood-based asynchronous forward checking algorithms
M Wahbi, R Ezzahir, C Bessiere, EH Bouyakhf
Constraints 18, 404-433, 2013
Dynamic backtracking for distributed constraint optimization
R Ezzahir, C Bessiere, I Benelallam, EH Bouyakhf, M Belaissaoui
ECAI 2008, 901-902, 2008
Constraint Acquisition with Recommendation Queries.
A Daoudi, Y Mechqrane, C Bessiere, N Lazaar, EH Bouyakhf
IJCAI, 720-726, 2016
A game theoretic analysis of price-QoS market share in presence of adversarial service providers
M Baslam, R El-Azouzi, E Sabir, L Echabbi, EH Bouyakhf
Game theory relaunched 24, 84, 2013
Cooperative and non-cooperative control for slotted aloha with random power level selections algorithms
R El-Azouzi, T Jiménez, ES Sabir, S Benarfa, EH Bouyakhf
2nd International ICST Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies …, 2010
Simultaneous object detection and localization using convolutional neural networks
FZ Ouadiay, H Bouftaih, EH Bouyakhf, MM Himmi
2018 International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Computer Vision …, 2018
Planes detection for robust localization and mapping in rgb-d slam systems
HE Elghor, D Roussel, F Ababsa, EH Bouyakhf
2015 International Conference on 3D Vision, 452-459, 2015
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Articles 1–20