Gordon Kindlmann
Gordon Kindlmann
Assoc. Professor of Computer Science, University of Chicago
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Semi-automatic generation of transfer functions for direct volume rendering
G Kindlmann, JW Durkin
Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE symposium on Volume visualization, 79-86, 1998
Multidimensional transfer functions for interactive volume rendering
J Kniss, G Kindlmann, C Hansen
IEEE Transactions on visualization and computer graphics 8 (3), 270-285, 2002
DTI measures in crossing-fibre areas: increased diffusion anisotropy reveals early white matter alteration in MCI and mild Alzheimer's disease
G Douaud, S Jbabdi, TEJ Behrens, RA Menke, A Gass, AU Monsch, ...
Neuroimage 55 (3), 880-890, 2011
Curvature-based transfer functions for direct volume rendering: Methods and applications
G Kindlmann, R Whitaker, T Tasdizen, T Moller
IEEE Visualization, 2003. VIS 2003., 513-520, 2003
Interactive volume rendering using multi-dimensional transfer functions and direct manipulation widgets
J Kniss, G Kindlmann, C Hansen
Proceedings Visualization, 2001. VIS'01., 255-562, 2001
The transfer function bake-off
H Pfister, B Lorensen, C Bajaj, G Kindlmann, W Schroeder, LS Avila, ...
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 21 (3), 16-22, 2001
Tensorlines: Advection-diffusion based propagation through diffusion tensor fields
D Weinstein, G Kindlmann, E Lundberg
Proceedings Visualization'99 (Cat. No. 99CB37067), 249-530, 1999
Superquadric tensor glyphs
G Kindlmann
Proceedings of the Sixth Joint Eurographics-IEEE TCVG conference on …, 2004
Orthogonal tensor invariants and the analysis of diffusion tensor magnetic resonance images
DB Ennis, G Kindlmann
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: An Official Journal of the International …, 2006
A geometric analysis of diffusion tensor measurements of the human brain
AL Alexander, K Hasan, G Kindlmann, DL Parker, JS Tsuruda
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: An Official Journal of the International …, 2000
Computed tomographic measures of pulmonary vascular morphology in smokers and their clinical implications
RSJ Estépar, GL Kinney, JL Black-Shinn, RP Bowler, GL Kindlmann, ...
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 188 (2), 231-239, 2013
Strategies for direct volume rendering of diffusion tensor fields
G Kindlmann, D Weinstein, D Hart
IEEE transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 6 (2), 124-138, 2000
Diffusion tensor visualization with glyph packing
G Kindlmann, CF Westin
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 12 (5), 1329-1336, 2006
An algebraic process for visualization design
G Kindlmann, C Scheidegger
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 20 (12), 2181-2190, 2014
Hue-balls and lit-tensors for direct volume rendering of diffusion tensor fields
G Kindlmann, D Weinstein
Proceedings Visualization'99 (Cat. No. 99CB37067), 183-524, 1999
Helicity conservation by flow across scales in reconnecting vortex links and knots
MW Scheeler, D Kleckner, D Proment, GL Kindlmann, WTM Irvine
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (43), 15350-15355, 2014
An introduction to visualization of diffusion tensor imaging and its applications
A Vilanova, S Zhang, G Kindlmann, D Laidlaw
Visualization and processing of tensor fields, 121-153, 2006
SlicerDMRI: open source diffusion MRI software for brain cancer research
I Norton, WI Essayed, F Zhang, S Pujol, A Yarmarkovich, AJ Golby, ...
Cancer research 77 (21), e101-e103, 2017
Interactive simulation and visualization
C Johnson, SG Parker, C Hansen, GL Kindlmann, Y Livnat
Computer 32 (12), 59-65, 1999
Interactive diffusion tensor tractography visualization for neurosurgical planning
AJ Golby, G Kindlmann, I Norton, A Yarmarkovich, S Pieper, R Kikinis
Neurosurgery 68 (2), 496-505, 2011
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Articles 1–20