Ferdinando Auricchio
Ferdinando Auricchio
Computational Mechanics and Advanced Material Group, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e
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Shape-memory alloys: macromodelling and numerical simulations of the superelastic behavior
F Auricchio, RL Taylor, J Lubliner
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 146 (3-4), 281-312, 1997
Shape-memory alloys: modelling and numerical simulations of the finite-strain superelastic behavior
F Auricchio, RL Taylor
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 143 (1-2), 175-194, 1997
Isogeometric collocation methods
F Auricchio, LB Da Veiga, TJR Hughes, A Reali, G Sangalli
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 20 (11), 2075-2107, 2010
Mechanical behavior of coronary stents investigated through the finite element method
F Migliavacca, L Petrini, M Colombo, F Auricchio, R Pietrabissa
Journal of biomechanics 35 (6), 803-811, 2002
3D printing of reinforced concrete elements: Technology and design approach
D Asprone, F Auricchio, C Menna, V Mercuri
Construction and Building Materials 165, 218-231, 2018
Evaluation of friction of stainless steel and esthetic self-ligating brackets in various bracket-archwire combinations
V Cacciafesta, MF Sfondrini, A Ricciardi, A Scribante, C Klersy, ...
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 124 (4), 395-402, 2003
A one-dimensional model for superelastic shape-memory alloys with different elastic properties between austenite and martensite
F Auricchio, E Sacco
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 32 (6), 1101-1114, 1997
A three‐dimensional model describing stress‐temperature induced solid phase transformations: solution algorithm and boundary value problems
F Auricchio, L Petrini
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 61 (6), 807-836, 2004
A three‐dimensional model describing stress‐temperature induced solid phase transformations: solution algorithm and boundary value problems
F Auricchio, L Petrini
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 61 (6), 807-836, 2004
A 3-D phenomenological constitutive model for shape memory alloys under multiaxial loadings
J Arghavani, F Auricchio, R Naghdabadi, A Reali, S Sohrabpour
International Journal of Plasticity 26 (7), 976-991, 2010
A fully “locking-free” isogeometric approach for plane linear elasticity problems: A stream function formulation
F Auricchio, LB da Veiga, A Buffa, C Lovadina, A Reali, G Sangalli
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 197 (1-4), 160-172, 2007
A three-dimensional model describing stress-induced solid phase transformation with permanent inelasticity
F Auricchio, A Reali, U Stefanelli
International Journal of plasticity 23 (2), 207-226, 2007
A predictive study of the mechanical behaviour of coronary stents by computer modelling
F Migliavacca, L Petrini, V Montanari, I Quagliana, F Auricchio, G Dubini
Medical engineering & physics 27 (1), 13-18, 2005
A robust integration-algorithm for a finite-strain shape-memory-alloy superelastic model
F Auricchio
International Journal of plasticity 17 (7), 971-990, 2001
Isogeometric collocation for elastostatics and explicit dynamics
F Auricchio, LB Da Veiga, TJR Hughes, A Reali, G Sangalli
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 249, 2-14, 2012
Generalized plasticity and shape-memory alloys
J Lubliner, F Auricchio
International Journal of Solids and Structures 33 (7), 991-1003, 1996
A simple algorithm for obtaining nearly optimal quadrature rules for NURBS-based isogeometric analysis
F Auricchio, F Calabro, TJR Hughes, A Reali, G Sangalli
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 249, 15-27, 2012
Simulating the spread of COVID-19 via a spatially-resolved susceptible–exposed–infected–recovered–deceased (SEIRD) model with heterogeneous diffusion
A Viguerie, G Lorenzo, F Auricchio, D Baroli, TJR Hughes, A Patton, ...
Applied Mathematics Letters 111, 106617, 2021
Influence of meso-structure and chemical composition on FDM 3D-printed parts
G Alaimo, S Marconi, L Costato, F Auricchio
Composites Part B: Engineering 113, 371-380, 2017
Numerical investigation of the intravascular coronary stent flexibility
L Petrini, F Migliavacca, F Auricchio, G Dubini
Journal of biomechanics 37 (4), 495-501, 2004
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Articles 1–20