Kun-chan Lan
Kun-chan Lan
Professor of Computer Science, National Cheng Kung University
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Rapid generation of realistic mobility models for VANET
FK Karnadi, ZH Mo, K Lan
2007 IEEE wireless communications and networking conference, 2506-2511, 2007
A survey of opportunistic networks
CM Huang, K Lan, CZ Tsai
22nd International conference on advanced information networking and …, 2008
Effects of detail in wireless network simulation
J Heidemann, N Bulusu, J Elson, C Intanagonwiwat, K Lan, Y Xu, W Ye, ...
Proceedings of the SCS Multiconference on Distributed simulation, 3-11, 2001
A measurement study of correlations of internet flow characteristics
K Lan, J Heidemann
Computer Networks 50 (1), 46-62, 2006
A feasibility study on vehicle-to-infrastructure communication: WiFi vs. WiMAX
CM Chou, CY Li, WM Chien, K Lan
2009 tenth international conference on mobile data management: systems …, 2009
Realistic mobility models for vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) simulations
K Lan, CM Chou
2008 8th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications, 362-366, 2008
Measuring and improving the performance of network mobility management in IPv6 networks
H Petander, E Perera, KC Lan, A Seneviratne
IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications 24 (9), 1671-1681, 2006
Effect of malicious traffic on the network
K Lan, A Hussain, D Dutta
Passive and Active Measurement Workshop (PAM), 2003
On the correlation of internet flow characteristics
K Lan, J Heidemann
Technical Report ISI-TR-574, USC/ISI, 2003
Using smart-phones and floor plans for indoor location tracking-Withdrawn
KC Lan, WY Shih
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 44 (2), 211-221, 2014
An intelligent driver location system for smart parking
KC Lan, WY Shih
Expert Systems with Applications 41 (5), 2443-2456, 2014
A Comparison of 802.11 a and 802.11 p for V-to-I Communication: A Measurement Study
WY Lin, MW Li, K Lan, CH Hsu
Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness in Heterogeneous Networks: 7th …, 2012
Adaptive position update in geographic routing
QJ Chen, SS Kanhere, M Hassan, KC Lan
2006 IEEE International Conference on Communications 9, 4046-4051, 2006
On calibrating the sensor errors of a PDR-based indoor localization system
KC Lan, WY Shih
Sensors 13 (4), 4781-4810, 2013
Toward hypertension prediction based on PPG-derived HRV signals: A feasibility study
K Lan, P Raknim, WF Kao, JH Huang
Journal of medical systems 42, 1-7, 2018
Rapid model parameterization from traffic measurements
KC Lan, J Heidemann
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) 12 (3), 201-229, 2002
A compressibility-based clustering algorithm for hierarchical compressive data gathering
KC Lan, MZ Wei
IEEE Sensors Journal 17 (8), 2550-2562, 2017
Automated tongue diagnosis on the smartphone and its applications
MC Hu, KC Lan, WC Fang, YC Huang, TJ Ho, CP Lin, MH Yeh, P Raknim, ...
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 174, 51-64, 2019
Gait monitoring for early neurological disorder detection using sensors in a smartphone: Validation and a case study of parkinsonism
P Raknim, K Lan
Telemedicine and e-Health 22 (1), 75-81, 2016
Using simple harmonic motion to estimate walking distance for waist-mounted PDR
KC Lan, WY Shih
2012 IEEE wireless communications and networking conference (WCNC), 2445-2450, 2012
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Articles 1–20