Professor Kay Chen TAN
Professor Kay Chen TAN
Chair Professor, Dept. of Data Science & Artificial Intelligence, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
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Cited by
Cited by
Multiobjective Deep Belief Networks Ensemble for Remaining Useful Life Estimation in Prognostics
C Zhang, P Lim, AK Qin, KC Tan
IEEE, 2016
A competitive-cooperative coevolutionary paradigm for dynamic multiobjective optimization
CK Goh, KC Tan
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 13 (1), 103-127, 2009
A multi-facet survey on memetic computation
X Chen, YS Ong, MH Lim, KC Tan
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 15 (5), 591, 2011
Heuristic methods for vehicle routing problem with time windows
KC Tan, LH Lee, QL Zhu, K Ou
Artificial intelligence in Engineering 15 (3), 281-295, 2001
A Generic Deep-Learning-Based Approach for Automated Surface Inspection
R Ren, T Hung, KC Tan
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2017
Evolutionary artificial potential fields and their application in real time robot path planning
P Vadakkepat, KC Tan, W Ming-Liang
Evolutionary Computation, 2000. Proceedings of the 2000 Congress on 1, 256-263, 2000
A survey on evolutionary neural architecture search
Y Liu, Y Sun, B Xue, M Zhang, GG Yen, KC Tan
arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.10937, 2020
Evolutionary algorithms for multi-objective optimization: performance assessments and comparisons
KC Tan, TH Lee, EF Khor
Artificial intelligence review 17 (4), 251-290, 2002
Multiobjective evolutionary algorithms and applications
KC Tan, EF Khor, TH Lee
Springer Science & Business Media, 2006
Development of a web-based laboratory for control experiments on a coupled tank apparatus
CC Ko, BM Chen, J Chen, Y Zhuang, KC Tan
IEEE Transactions on education 44 (1), 76-86, 2001
Multiobjective Multifactorial Optimization in Evolutionary Multitasking
A Gupta, YS Ong, L Feng, KC Tan
IEEE, 2016
Evolutionary algorithms with dynamic population size and local exploration for multiobjective optimization
KC Tan, TH Lee, EF Khor
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 5 (6), 565-588, 2001
Evolutionary Multitasking via Explicit Autoencoding
L Feng, L Zhou, J Zhong, A Gupta, YS Ong, KC Tan, AK Qin
IEEE transactions on cybernetics, 2018
A hybrid multiobjective evolutionary algorithm for solving vehicle routing problem with time windows
KC Tan, YH Chew, LH Lee
Computational Optimization and Applications 34 (1), 115-151, 2006
A Cost-Sensitive Deep Belief Network for Imbalanced Classification
C Zhang, KC Tan, H Li, GS Hong
arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.10801, 2018
A multiobjective memetic algorithm based on particle swarm optimization
D Liu, KC Tan, CK Goh, WK Ho
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 37 …, 2007
Evolutionary multitasking for multi-objective continuous optimization: Benchmark problems, performance metrics and baseline results
Y Yuan, YS Ong, L Feng, AK Qin, A Gupta, B Da, Q Zhang, KC Tan, Y Jin, ...
Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, 2016
A competitive and cooperative co-evolutionary approach to multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm design
CK Goh, KC Tan, DS Liu, SC Chiam
European Journal of Operational Research 202 (1), 42-54, 2010
A distributed cooperative coevolutionary algorithm for multiobjective optimization
KC Tan, YJ Yang, CK Goh
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 10 (5), 527-549, 2006
Solving multiobjective vehicle routing problem with stochastic demand via evolutionary computation
KC Tan, CY Cheong, CK Goh
European Journal of operational research 177 (2), 813-839, 2007
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Articles 1–20