Angiolo Farina
Cited by
Cited by
On Darcy's law for growing porous media
L Preziosi, A Farina
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 37 (3), 485-491, 2002
Pressure driven lubrication flow of a Bingham fluid in a channel: A novel approach
L Fusi, A Farina, F Rosso, S Roscani
Journal of Non-Newtonian fluid mechanics 221, 66-75, 2015
Mathematical models for fluids with pressure-dependent viscosity flowing in porous media
L Fusi, A Farina, F Rosso
International journal of engineering science 87, 110-118, 2015
The Fåhræus-Lindqvist effect in small blood vessels: how does it help the heart?
M Ascolese, A Farina, A Fasano
Journal of Biological Physics 45, 379-394, 2019
Peristaltic axisymmetric flow of a Bingham fluid
L Fusi, A Farina
Applied Mathematics and Computation 320, 1-15, 2018
Planar squeeze flow of a Bingham fluid
L Fusi, A Farina, F Rosso
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 225, 1-9, 2015
Resin transfer moulding: mathematical modelling and numerical simulations
D Antonelli, A Farina
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 30 (12), 1367-1385, 1999
Modeling peristaltic flow in vessels equipped with valves: Implications for vasomotion in bat wing venules
A Farina, L Fusi, A Fasano, A Ceretani, F Rosso
International Journal of Engineering Science 107, 1-12, 2016
Mathematical modeling of a solid–liquid mixture with mass exchange between constituents
L Fusi, A Farina, D Ambrosi
Mathematics and mechanics of solids 11 (6), 575-595, 2006
Non-isothermal injection molding with resin cure and preform deformability
A Farina, L Preziosi
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 31 (12), 1355-1372, 2000
Unidirectional infiltration in deformable porous media: mathematical modeling and self-similar solution
L Billi, A Farina
Quarterly of applied mathematics 58 (1), 85-101, 2000
On the Infiltration of Rain Water Through the Soil with Runoff of the Excess Water
AF Iacopo Borsi, Angiolo Farina
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 5, 763-800, 2004
Flow in deformable porous media: modelling and simulations of compression moulding processes
A Farina, P Cocito, G Boretto
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 26 (11), 1-15, 1997
An extension of the Bingham model to the case of an elastic core
L Fusi, A Farina
Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications 13, 113-163, 2003
Flow characteristics of waxy crude oils in laboratory experimental loops
A Farina, A Fasano
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 25 (5), 75-86, 1997
Retrieving the Bingham model from a bi-viscous model: some explanatory remarks
L Fusi, A Farina, F Rosso
Applied Mathematics Letters 27, 11-14, 2014
Flow of a Bingham-like fluid in a finite channel of varying width: a two-scale approach
L Fusi, A Farina, F Rosso
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 177, 76-88, 2012
Mathematical models in the manufacturing of glass: CIME Summer School, Montecatini Terme, Italy 2008
A Farina, A Klar, RMM Mattheij, N Siedow
Springer, 2010
Hemorheology: Non-Newtonian constitutive models for blood flow simulations
A Farina, L Fusi, A Mikeliæ, G Saccomandi, A Sequeira, EF Toro, ...
Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics and Complex Flows: Levico Terme, Italy 2016, 1-44, 2018
Non-Newtonian fluid mechanics and complex flows
A Farina, A Mikeliæ, G Saccomandi, A Sequeira, EF Toro
Springer International Publishing, 2018
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Articles 1–20