Santiago Mazuelas
Santiago Mazuelas
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Network localization and navigation via cooperation
MZ Win, A Conti, S Mazuelas, Y Shen, WM Gifford, D Dardari, M Chiani
IEEE Communications Magazine 49 (5), 56-62, 2011
Robust indoor positioning provided by real-time RSSI values in unmodified WLAN networks
S Mazuelas, A Bahillo, RM Lorenzo, P Fernandez, FA Lago, E Garcia, ...
IEEE Journal of selected topics in signal processing 3 (5), 821-831, 2009
Network navigation: Theory and interpretation
Y Shen, S Mazuelas, MZ Win
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 30 (9), 1823-1834, 2012
Soft information for localization-of-things
A Conti, S Mazuelas, S Bartoletti, WC Lindsey, MZ Win
Proceedings of the IEEE 107 (11), 2240-2264, 2019
Adaptive data fusion for wireless localization in harsh environments
J Prieto, S Mazuelas, A Bahillo, P Fernandez, RM Lorenzo, EJ Abril
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 60 (4), 1585-1596, 2012
Prior NLOS measurement correction for positioning in cellular wireless networks
S Mazuelas, FA Lago, J Blas, A Bahillo, P Fernandez, RM Lorenzo, ...
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 58 (5), 2585-2591, 2008
Soft range information for network localization
S Mazuelas, A Conti, JC Allen, MZ Win
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 66 (12), 3155-3168, 2018
Hybrid RSS-RTT localization scheme for indoor wireless networks
A Bahillo, S Mazuelas, RM Lorenzo, P Fernández, J Prieto, RJ Duran, ...
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2010, 1-12, 2010
Location awareness in beyond 5G networks
A Conti, F Morselli, Z Liu, S Bartoletti, S Mazuelas, WC Lindsey, MZ Win
IEEE Communications Magazine 59 (11), 22-27, 2021
Probabilistic load forecasting based on adaptive online learning
V Álvarez, S Mazuelas, JA Lozano
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 36 (4), 3668-3680, 2021
Accurate and robust localization in harsh environments based on V2I communication
J Prieto, S Mazuelas, A Bahillo, P Fernández, RM Lorenzo, EJ Abril
Vehicular Technologies—Deployment and Applications, 2013
Topology assessment provided by weighted barycentric parameters in harsh environment wireless location systems
S Mazuelas, RM Lorenzo, A Bahillo, P Fernandez, J Prieto, EJ Abril
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 58 (7), 3842-3857, 2010
Belief condensation filtering
S Mazuelas, Y Shen, MZ Win
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 61 (18), 4403-4415, 2013
Dynamic estimation of optimum path loss model in a RSS positioning system
S Mazuelas, FA Lago, D González, A Bahillo, J Blas, P Fernandez, ...
2008 IEEE/ION Position, Location and Navigation Symposium, 679-684, 2008
Context-aided inertial navigation via belief condensation
J Prieto, S Mazuelas, MZ Win
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 64 (12), 3250-3261, 2016
Spatiotemporal information coupling in network navigation
S Mazuelas, Y Shen, MZ Win
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 64 (12), 7759-7779, 2018
On the performance limits of map-aware localization
F Montorsi, S Mazuelas, GM Vitetta, MZ Win
IEEE transactions on information theory 59 (8), 5023-5038, 2013
On OFDM ranging accuracy in multipath channels
T Wang, Y Shen, S Mazuelas, H Shin, MZ Win
IEEE Systems Journal 8 (1), 104-114, 2013
IEEE 802.11 distance estimation based on RTS/CTS two-frame exchange mechanism
A Bahillo, J Prieto, S Mazuelas, RM Lorenzo, J Blas, P Fernandez
VTC Spring 2009-IEEE 69th Vehicular Technology Conference, 1-5, 2009
Information coupling in cooperative localization
S Mazuelas, Y Shen, MZ Win
IEEE communications letters 15 (7), 737-739, 2011
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Articles 1–20