Emily P. Courtney
Emily P. Courtney
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The contagion of mortality: A terror management health model for pandemics
EP Courtney, JL Goldenberg, P Boyd
British Journal of Social Psychology 59 (3), 607-617, 2020
Together we can slow the spread of COVID‐19: The interactive effects of priming collectivism and mortality salience on virus‐related health behaviour intentions
EP Courtney, RN Felig, JL Goldenberg
British Journal of Social Psychology 61 (1), 410-431, 2022
The influence of existential threat and tolerance salience on anti‐Islamic attitudes in American politics
KE Vail III, E Courtney, J Arndt
Political Psychology 40 (5), 1143-1162, 2019
When looking ‘hot’means not feeling cold: Evidence that self‐objectification inhibits feelings of being cold
RN Felig, JA Jordan, SL Shepard, EP Courtney, JL Goldenberg, ...
British Journal of Social Psychology 61 (2), 455-470, 2022
Anxiety buffer disruption: Relationship threat, death anxiety, and coping appraisals among low and high posttraumatic stress symptom samples
KE Vail III, EP Courtney, EA Goncy, T Cornelius, D Edmondson
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 38 (6), 501-521, 2019
Supporting the dehumanization hypothesis, but under what conditions? A commentary on Over (2021)
JL Goldenberg, EP Courtney, RN Felig
Perspectives on Psychological Science 16 (1), 14-21, 2021
Adaptive self‐objectification in the context of breast cancer: A theoretical integration of the terror management health model and research on objectification
EP Courtney, JL Goldenberg
Applied Psychology: Health and Well‐Being 14 (4), 1211-1227, 2022
Fetch the bolt cutters: The existential labor and liberation of# MeToo.
RE Williamson, EP Courtney, JL Goldenberg
The Humanistic Psychologist 50 (3), 443, 2022
Objects Do Not Suffer: An Impact of Mechanistic Dehumanization on Perceptions of Women’s Suffering and Lack of Justice in Domestic Assault
RN Felig, EP Courtney, KM Ligman, KJ Lee, JL Goldenberg
Journal of interpersonal violence 39 (5-6), 1245-1267, 2024
An existential perspective on interpersonal closeness and social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic
S Fairlamb, E Courtney
Psychology & Health, 1-18, 2022
Sexual Victimization and the Existential Impact of# MeToo
RE Williamson, S Hardt, EP Courtney, JL Goldenberg
Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 00221678241234949, 2024
Breast Health Esteem to Motivate Breast Health Behavioral Intentions: An Application of the Terror Management Health Model
EP Courtney
University of South Florida, 2022
The Impact of Traumatic Symptomology and Social Support on the Effective Management of Death Anxiety
EP Courtney
Political Media & Dehumanization of the Self on Marginalized, Immigrant Populations
A Meyer, E Courtney
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