Ioannis Kassaras
Ioannis Kassaras
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A microseismic study in the western part of the Gulf of Corinth (Greece): implications for large-scale normal faulting mechanisms
A Rigo, H Lyon-Caen, R Armijo, A Deschamps, D Hatzfeld, ...
Geophysical Journal International 126 (3), 663-688, 1996
The Ms= 6.2, June 15, 1995 Aigion earthquake (Greece): evidence for low angle normal faulting in the Corinth rift
P Bernard, P Briole, B Meyer, H Lyon-Caen, JM Gomez, C Tiberi, C Berge, ...
Journal of Seismology 1 (2), 131-150, 1997
Microseismicity and faulting geometry in the Gulf of Corinth (Greece)
D Hatzfeld, V Karakostas, M Ziazia, I Kassaras, E Papadimitriou, ...
Geophysical Journal International 141 (2), 438-456, 2000
Microseimicity and strain pattern in northwestern Greece
D Hatzfeld, I Kassaras, D Panagiotopoulos, D Amorese, K Makropoulos, ...
Tectonics 14 (4), 773-785, 1995
The Kozani-Grevena (Greece) earthquake of 13 May 1995 revisited from a detailed seismological study
D Hatzfeld, V Karakostas, M Ziazia, G Selvaggi, S Leborgne, C Berge, ...
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 87 (2), 463-473, 1997
Shear wave anisotropy in the upper mantle beneath the Aegean related to internal deformation
D Hatzfeld, E Karagianni, I Kassaras, A Kiratzi, E Louvari, H Lyon‐Caen, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 106 (B12), 30737-30753, 2001
The Mw = 6.0, 7 September 1999 Athens Earthquake
P Papadimitriou, N Voulgaris, I Kassaras, G Kaviris, N Delibasis, ...
Natural Hazards 27, 15-33, 2002
The new seismotectonic atlas of Greece (v1. 0) and its implementation
I Kassaras, V Kapetanidis, A Ganas, A Tzanis, C Kosma, A Karakonstantis, ...
Geosciences 10 (11), 447, 2020
Contemporary crustal stress of the Greek region deduced from earthquake focal mechanisms
V Kapetanidis, I Kassaras
Journal of Geodynamics 123, 55-82, 2019
The 12th June 2017 Mw= 6.3 Lesvos earthquake from detailed seismological observations
P Papadimitriou, I Kassaras, G Kaviris, GA Tselentis, N Voulgaris, ...
Journal of Geodynamics 115, 23-42, 2018
The July 20, 2017 M6. 6 Kos earthquake: seismic and geodetic evidence for an active north-dipping normal fault at the western end of the Gulf of Gökova (SE Aegean Sea)
A Ganas, P Elias, V Kapetanidis, S Valkaniotis, P Briole, I Kassaras, ...
Pure and Applied Geophysics 176, 4177-4211, 2019
Crustal and upper mantle structure beneath the Corinth rift (Greece) from a teleseismic tomography study
C Tiberi, H Lyon‐Caen, D Hatzfeld, U Achauer, E Karagianni, A Kiratzi, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 105 (B12), 28159-28171, 2000
First results on the Mw= 6.9 Samos earthquake of 30 October 2020
P Papadimitriou, V Kapetanidis, A Karakonstantis, I Spingos, I Kassaras, ...
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece 56 (1), 251-279, 2020
Seismic waveform data from Greece and Cyprus: Integration, archival, and open access
CP Evangelidis, N Triantafyllis, M Samios, K Boukouras, K Kontakos, ...
Seismological Society of America 92 (3), 1672-1684, 2021
The September 7, 1999 Athens earthquake sequence recorded by the Cornet network: preliminary results of source parameters determination of the main shock
P Papadimitriou
Ann. Geol. Pays Hellen. 38, 29-39, 2000
Domino-style earthquakes along blind normal faults in Northern Thessaly (Greece): Kinematic evidence from field observations, seismology, SAR interferometry and GNSS
A Ganas, S Valkaniotis, P Briole, A Serpetsidaki, V Kapetanidis, ...
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece 58, 37-86, 2021
Constraints on absolute S velocities beneath the Aegean Sea from surface wave analysis
E Bourova, I Kassaras, HA Pedersen, T Yanovskaya, D Hatzfeld, A Kiratzi
Geophysical Journal International 160 (3), 1006-1019, 2005
On the spatial distribution of seismicity and the 3D tectonic stress field in western Greece
I Kassaras, V Kapetanidis, A Karakonstantis
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 95, 50-72, 2016
The April–June 2007 Trichonis Lake earthquake swarm (W. Greece): New implications toward the causative fault zone
I Kassaras, V Kapetanidis, A Karakonstantis, G Kaviris, P Papadimitriou, ...
Journal of Geodynamics 73, 60-80, 2014
The western Gulf of Corinth (Greece) 2020–2021 seismic crisis and cascading events: First results from the Corinth Rift Laboratory Network
G Kaviris, P Elias, V Kapetanidis, A Serpetsidaki, A Karakonstantis, ...
The Seismic Record 1 (2), 85-95, 2021
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