Cited by
Cited by
Improving HPC system performance by predicting job resources via supervised machine learning
M Tanash, B Dunn, D Andresen, W Hsu, H Yang, A Okanlawon
Proceedings of the Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing on …, 2019
Ensemble prediction of job resources to improve system performance for slurm-based hpc systems
M Tanash, H Yang, D Andresen, W Hsu
Practice and experience in advanced research computing, 1-8, 2021
AMPRO-HPCC: A Machine-Learning Tool for Predicting Resources on Slurm HPC Clusters
M Tanash, D Andresen, W Hsu
ADVCOMP 2021, The Fifteenth International Conference on Advanced Engineering …, 2021
Modeling expected application runtime for characterizing and assessing job performance
O Aaziz, J Cook, M Tanash
2018 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 543-551, 2018
Cyberinfrastructure Facilitation Skills Training via the Virtual Residency Program
H Neeman, D Akin, H Al-Azzawi, KL Brandt, J Brooks Kieffer, D Brunson, ...
Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing, 421-428, 2020
Cultivating the Cyberinfrastructure Workforce via an Intermediate/Advanced Virtual Residency Workshop
H Neeman, HM Al-Azzawi, D Brunson, W Burke, D Colbry, JT Falgout, ...
Proceedings of the Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing on …, 2019
Feature selection for learning to predict outcomes of compute cluster jobs with application to decision support
A Okanlawon, H Yang, A Bose, W Hsu, D Andresen, M Tanash
2020 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational …, 2020
Avishek Bose, William Hsu, Dan Andresen, and Mohammed Tanash. Feature selection for learning to predict outcomes of compute cluster jobs with application to decision support
A Okanlawon, H Yang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.07982, 2020
Al-Azzawi, Dana Brunson, William Burke, Dirk Colbry, Jeff T
H Neeman, M Hussein
Falgout, James W. Ferguson, Sandra Gesing, Joshua Gyllinsky, Christopher S …, 2019
Automatically instrumenting scientific applications to produce heartbeat events
M Tanash, N Ghazanfari, O Aaziz, J Cook
2016 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium …, 2016
Improving HPC system performance by predicting job resources for submitted jobs using machine learning techniques
M Tanash
Kansas State University, 2021
Cost-Effective Resource Provisioning of Cloud Computing via Supervised Machine Learning
D Andresen, M Tanash, C Bohn, W Hsu
Proceedings of the 2022 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer …, 2022
An Evaluation of Cyberinfrastructure Facilitators Skills Training in the Virtual Residency Program
H Neeman, L Rivera, L DeStefano, H Al-Azzawi, D Brunson, P Clemins, ...
Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing, 1-7, 2021
Distributed Hostel System for Postgraduate Students of Universiti Utara Malaysia
MAY Tanash
Graduate School, Universiti Utara Malaysia, 2007
Mohammed Tanash et Adedolapo OKANLAWON: Improving HPC System Performance by Predicting Job Resources via Supervised Machine Learning
M Tanash, B Dunn, D Andresen, W Hsu
Proceedings of the Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing on …, 0
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