Sebastiano Fichera
Sebastiano Fichera
University of Liverpool, Mechanical, Materials & Aerospace Engineering
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Cited by
Experimental nonlinear control for flutter suppression in a nonlinear aeroelastic system
S Jiffri, S Fichera, JE Mottershead, A Da Ronch
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 40 (8), 1925-1938, 2017
Receptance-based robust eigenstructure assignment
LJ Adamson, S Fichera, JE Mottershead
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 140, 106697, 2020
Flow field around the flapping flag
SC Gibbs, S Fichera, A Zanotti, S Ricci, EH Dowell
Journal of Fluids and Structures 48, 507-513, 2014
High-bandwidth morphing actuator for aeroelastic model control
S Fichera, I Isnardi, JE Mottershead
Aerospace 6 (2), 13, 2019
Multiple-input multiple-output experimental aeroelastic control using a receptance-based method
B Mokrani, F Palazzo, JE Mottershead, S Fichera
Aiaa Journal 57 (7), 3066-3077, 2019
Freeplay-induced limit-cycle oscillations in a T-tail: numerical vs experimental validation
S Fichera, S Ricci
Journal of Aircraft 52 (2), 486-495, 2015
Pole placement in uncertain dynamic systems by variance minimisation
LJ Adamson, S Fichera, B Mokrani, JE Mottershead
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 127, 290-305, 2019
The minimum norm multi-input multi-output receptance method for partial pole placement
B Mokrani, A Batou, S Fichera, L Adamson, D Alaluf, JE Mottershead
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 129, 437-448, 2019
High order harmonic balance applied to an aeroelastic T-tail model with a control surface freeplay
F Sebastiano, S Ricci
54th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials …, 2013
Low-cost monitoring system for hydroponic urban vertical farms
F Ruscio, P Paoletti, J Thomas, P Myers, S Fichera
International Journal of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering 13 (10 …, 2019
Design and wind tunnel test of a MODular aeroelastic FLEXible wing (MODFLEX)
S Fichera, S Jiffri, JE Mottershead
Proceedings of the International Conference on Noise and Vibration …, 2016
Aeroelastic stability analysis using stochastic structural modifications
LJ Adamson, S Fichera, JE Mottershead
Journal of Sound and Vibration 477, 115333, 2020
Cathsim: An open-source simulator for autonomous cannulation
T Jianu, B Huang, ME Abdelaziz, MN Vu, S Fichera, CY Lee, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.01455, 2022
Experimental and numerical study of nonlinear dynamic behaviour of an aerofoil
S Fichera, S Jiffri, X Wei, A Da Ronch, N Tantaroudas, JE Mottershead
Road Surface Defect Detection—From Image-Based to Non-Image-Based: A Survey
J Yu, J Jiang, S Fichera, P Paoletti, L Layzell, D Mehta, S Luo
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2024
Multi-source domain adaptation for unsupervised road defect segmentation
J Yu, H Oh, S Fichera, P Paoletti, S Luo
2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 5638-5644, 2023
Nonlinear aeroservoelastic control design and validation
I Isnardi, P Paoletti, D Miranda, G Innocenti, S Fichera
2018 AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 0603, 2018
Cathsim: an open-source simulator for endovascular intervention
T Jianu, B Huang, MN Vu, MEMK Abdelaziz, S Fichera, CY Lee, ...
IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, 2024
Behaviour of an aeroelastic T-tail model with rudder’s freeplay: experimental and numerical investigation
S Fichera, G Quaranta, S Ricci
Aerospace Sci Technol Syst 91, 86-97, 2012
Autonomous Catheterization with Open-source Simulator and Expert Trajectory
T Jianu, B Huang, T Vo, MN Vu, J Kang, H Nguyen, O Omisore, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.09059, 2024
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Articles 1–20