Daniel Ossmann
Daniel Ossmann
Professor @ Munich University of Applied Sciences HM
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LPV model-based robust diagnosis of flight actuator faults
A Varga, D Ossmann
Control Engineering Practice 31, 135-147, 2014
Aeroservoelastic Modeling and Analysis of a Highly Flexible Flutter Demonstrator
M Wuestenhagen, T Kier, YM Meddaikar, M Pusch, D Ossmann
2018 Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, 3150, 2018
Field testing of multi-variable individual pitch control on a utility-scale wind turbine
D Ossmann, P Seiler, C Milliren, A Danker
Renewable Energy 170, 1245-1256, 2021
Robust autopilot design for landing a large civil aircraft in crosswind
J Theis, D Ossmann, F Thielecke, H Pfifer
Control Engineering Practice 76, 54-64, 2018
Diagnosis of actuator faults using LPV-gain scheduling techniques
S Hecker, A Varga, D Ossmann
AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 2011
Flight control design for a highly flexible flutter demonstrator
T Luspay, D Ossmann, M Wuestenhagen, D Teubl, T Baár, M Pusch, ...
AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 1817, 2019
Load reduction on a clipper liberty wind turbine with linear parameter‐varying individual blade pitch control
D Ossmann, J Theis, P Seiler
Wind Energy 20 (10), 1771-1786, 2017
Structured Control Design for a Highly Flexible Flutter Demonstrator
M Pusch, D Ossmann, T Luspay
Aerospace 6 (3), 27, 2019
Advanced sensor fault detection and isolation for electro-mechanical flight actuators
D Ossmann, FLJ van der Linden
Aeroelastic modeling and control of an experimental flexible wing
M Pusch, D Ossmann, J Dillinger, TM Kier, M Tang, J Lübker
AIAA scitech 2019 forum, 0131, 2019
Enhanced detection and isolation of angle of attack sensor faults
D Ossmann, HD Joos
AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 2016
-Optimal Blending of Inputs and Outputs for Modal Control
M Pusch, D Ossmann
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 28 (6), 2744-2751, 2019
Detection and identification of loss of efficiency faults of flight actuators
D Ossmann, A Varga
2013 Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (SysTol), 19-24, 2013
Energetic approach for control surface disconnection fault detection in hydraulic aircraft actuators
L Márton, D Ossmann
Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes 12, 2012
Fault tolerant control of an experimental flexible wing
D Ossmann, M Pusch
Aerospace 6 (7), 76, 2019
Baseline Flight Control System Design for an Unmanned Flutter Demonstrator
D Ossmann, T Luspay, B Vanek
Proceedings of the IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, USA, 2019
Enhanced sensor monitoring to maintain optimal aircraft handling in case of faults
D Ossmann, HD Joos, P Goupil
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 40 (12), 3127-3137, 2017
Fault-Tolerant Control for a High Altitude Long Endurance Aircraft
C Weiser, D Ossmann
Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes …, 2022
Baseline flight control system for high altitude long endurance aircraft
C Weiser, D Ossmann
AIAA SciTech 2022 Forum, 1390, 2022
Design and flight test of a linear parameter varying flight controller
C Weiser, D Ossmann, G Looye
CEAS Aeronautical Journal 11 (4), 955-969, 2020
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Articles 1–20