Drazan Kozak
Drazan Kozak
University of Slavonski Brod, Mechanical Engineering Faculty in Slavonski Brod
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Surface geometric parameters proposal for the advanced control of abrasive waterjet technology
J Valíček, S Hloch, D Kozak
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 41, 323-328, 2009
Ultrasonically generated pulsed water jet peening of austenitic stainless-steel surfaces
M Srivastava, S Hloch, R Tripathi, D Kozak, S Chattopadhyaya, AR Dixit, ...
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 32, 455-468, 2018
Water jet technology used in medicine
P Hreha, S Hloch, D Magurová, J Valicek, D Kozak, M Harnicarova, ...
Tehnicki vjesnik 17 (2), 237-240, 2010
Corrosion fatigue failure of steam turbine moving blades: A case study
M Katinić, D Kozak, I Gelo, D Damjanović
Engineering failure analysis 106, 104136, 2019
Study of the sound absorption properties of 3D-printed open-porous ABS material structures
M Vasina, K Monkova, PP Monka, D Kozak, J Tkac
Polymers 12 (5), 1062, 2020
Condition monitoring of Kaplan turbine bearings using vibro-diagnostics
K Monkova, PP Monka, S Hric, D Kozak, M Katinić, I Pavlenko, ...
International journal of mechanical engineering and robotics research, 2020
CFD analysis of concept car in order to improve aerodynamics
D Damjanović, D Kozak, M Živić, Ž Ivandić, T Baškarić
Járműipari innováció 1 (2), 108-115, 2011
Experimental study of surface topography created by abrasive waterjet cutting
S Hloch, J Valiček, I Samardžić, D Kozak, J Mullerova, M Gombar
Strojarstvo: časopis za teoriju i praksu u strojarstvu 49 (4), 303-309, 2007
Disintegration of bone cement by continuous and pulsating water jet
S Hloch, J Foldyna, L Sitek, M Zeleňák, P Hlaváček, P Hvizdoš, J Kľoc, ...
Tech. Gaz 20 (4), 593-598, 2013
Monitoring of focusing tube wear during abrasive waterjet (AWJ) cutting of AISI 309
P Hreha, A Radvanská, J Carach, D Lehocka, K Monkova, G Krolczyk, ...
Metalurgija 53 (4), 533-536, 2014
Abrasive waterjet (AWJ) titanium tangential turning evaluation
S Hloch, J Hlaváček, K Vasilko, J Cárach, I Samardžić, D Kozak, I Hlavatý, ...
Metalurgija 53 (4), 537-540, 2014
Yield load solutions of heterogeneous welded joints
D Kozak, N Gubeljak, P Konjatić, J Sertić
International journal of pressure vessels and piping 86 (12), 807-812, 2009
Optimization of thin-walled constructions in CAE system ANSYS
P Beňo, D Kozak, P Konjatić
Technical gazette 21 (5), 1051-1055, 2014
Numerical and experimental strength analysis of fire-tube boiler construction
B Gaćeša, V Milošević-Mitić, T Maneski, D Kozak, J Sertić
Tehnički vjesnik 18 (2), 237-242, 2011
Deformations after heat treatment and their influence on cutting process
M Neslušan, I Mrkvica, R Čep, D Kozak, R Konderla
Tehnički vjesnik 18 (4), 601-608, 2011
Damage level estimate of API J55 steel for welded seam casing pipes
Ž Šarkoćević, M Arsić, B Međo, D Kozak, M Rakin, Z Burzić, A Sedmak
Strojarstvo: časopis za teoriju i praksu u strojarstvu 51 (4), 303-311, 2009
Analysis of the states of deformation and stress in the surface layer of the product after the burnishing cold rolling operation
L Kukielka, M Szczesniak, R Patyk, A Kułakowska, K Kukielka, S Patyk, ...
Materials Science Forum 862, 278-287, 2016
Analysis of acoustic emission emerging during hydroabrasive cutting and options for indirect quality control
S Hloch, J Valíček, D Kozak, H Tozan, S Chattopadhyaya, P Adamčík
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 66, 45-58, 2013
Effect of the pore shape and size of 3D-printed open-porous ABS materials on sound absorption performance
K Monkova, M Vasina, PP Monka, D Kozak, J Vanca
Materials 13 (20), 4474, 2020
Comparison of mechanical properties of surface layers with use of nanoindentation and microindentation tests
M Zeleňák, J Valíček, S Hloch, D Kozak, I Samardžić, M Harničárová, ...
Metalurgija 51 (3), 309-312, 2012
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