Luciano Caputo
Luciano Caputo
Universidad Austral
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Cited by
Driving factors of the phytoplankton functional groups in a deep Mediterranean reservoir
V Becker, L Caputo, J Ordóñez, R Marcé, J Armengol, LO Crossetti, ...
Water research 44 (11), 3345-3354, 2010
Elemental ratios in sediments as indicators of ecological processes in Spanish reservoirs
P López Laseras, E Navarro, R Marce Romero, J Ordóñez Salinas, ...
Limnetica 25 (1-2), 499-512, 2006
Sau reservoir’s light climate: relationships between Secchi depth and light extinction coefficient
J Armengol, L Caputo, M Comerma, C Feijoó, JC García, R Marcé, ...
Limnetica 22 (1-2), 195-210, 2003
Phytoplankton distribution along trophic gradients within and among reservoirs in Catalonia (Spain)
L Caputo, L NASELLI‐FLORES, J Ordonez, J Armengol
Freshwater biology 53 (12), 2543-2556, 2008
Landscape composition as a determinant of diversity and functional feeding groups of aquatic macroinvertebrates in southern rivers of the Araucanía, Chile
P Fierro, C Bertrán, M Mercado, F Peña-Cortés, J Tapia, E Hauenstein, ...
Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research 43 (1), 186-200, 2015
Mapping of spatial and temporal variation of water characteristics through satellite remote sensing in Lake Panguipulli, Chile
P Huovinen, J Ramírez, L Caputo, I Gómez
Science of the Total Environment 679, 196-208, 2019
Does filter type and pore size influence spectroscopic analysis of freshwater chromophoric DOM composition?
J Nimptsch, S Woelfl, B Kronvang, R Giesecke, HE González, L Caputo, ...
Limnologica 48, 57-64, 2014
Historia natural cuantitativa de una relación parásito-hospedero: el sistema Tristerix-cactáceas en Chile semiárido
R Medel, C BOTTO-MAHAN, C Smith-Ramírez, MA Méndez, CG Ossa, ...
Revista chilena de historia natural 75 (1), 127-140, 2002
Limnological Characterization and Flow Patterns of a Three-coupled Reservoir System and Their Influence on Dreissena polymorpha Populations and Settlement …
E Navarro, M Bacardit, L Caputo, T Palau, J Armengol
Lake and Reservoir Management 22 (4), 293-302, 2006
Current and future threats for ecological quality management of South American freshwater ecosystems
A Torremorell, C Hegoburu, AL Brandimarte, EHC Rodrigues, M Pompêo, ...
Inland Waters 11 (2), 125-140, 2021
Ecological classification of a set of Mediterranean reservoirs applying the EU Water Framework Directive: A reasonable compromise between science and management
E Navarro, L Caputo, R Marcé, J Carol, L Benejam, E García-Berthou, ...
Lake and Reservoir Management 25 (4), 364-376, 2009
Molecular evidence of a Didymosphenia geminata (Bacillariophyceae) invasion in Chilean freshwater systems
A Jaramillo, D Osman, L Caputo, L Cardenas
Harmful Algae 49, 117-123, 2015
On non-Eltonian methods of hunting Cladocera, or impacts of the introduction of planktivorous fish on zooplankton composition and clear-water phase occurrence in a …
J Ordóñez, J Armengol, E Moreno-Ostos, L Caputo, JC García, R Marcé
Fifty years after the ‘‘Homage to Santa Rosalia’’: Old and new paradigms on …, 2010
Southward invasion of Craspedacusta sowerbii across mesotrophic lakes in Chile: geographical distribution and genetic diversity of the medusa phase
R Fuentes, L Cárdenas, A Abarzua, L Caputo
Freshwater Science 38 (1), 193-202, 2019
Water transparency affects the survival of the medusa stage of the invasive freshwater jellyfish Craspedacusta sowerbii
L Caputo, P Huovinen, R Sommaruga, I Gómez
Hydrobiologia 817, 179-191, 2018
Massive salp outbreaks in the inner sea of Chiloé Island (Southern Chile): possible causes and ecological consequences
R Giesecke, A Clement, J Garcés-Vargas, JI Mardones, HE González, ...
Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research 42 (3), 604-621, 2014
Nutrient fluxes through boundaries in the hypolimnion of Sau reservoir: expected patterns and unanticipated processes
R Marcé Romero, E Moreno Ostos, J Ordóñez Salinas, C Feijoó, ...
Limnetica 25 (1-2), 527-540, 2006
Modern chironomids (Diptera: Chironomidae) and the environmental variables that influence their distribution in the Araucanian lakes, south-central Chile
A Martel-Cea, GA Astorga, M Hernández, L Caputo, AM Abarzúa
Hydrobiologia 848, 2551-2568, 2021
Phenotypic plasticity of clonal populations of the freshwater jellyfish Craspedacusta sowerbii (Lankester, 1880) in Southern Hemisphere lakes (Chile) and the …
L Caputo, R Fuentes, S Woelfl, LE Castañeda, L Cárdenas
Austral Ecology 46 (8), 1192-1197, 2021
Quantitative natural history of a host-parasite relationship: the Tristerix-cactus system in semiarid Chile.
R Medel, C Botto-Mahan, C Smith-Ramírez, MA Méndez, CG Ossa, ...
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Articles 1–20