Zhiyuan Chen
Zhiyuan Chen
Professor of Information Systems, University of Maryland Baltimore County
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Cited by
Discrete wavelet transform-based time series analysis and mining
P Chaovalit, A Gangopadhyay, G Karabatis, Z Chen
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 43 (2), 1-37, 2011
Query optimization in compressed database systems
Z Chen, J Gehrke, F Korn
Proceedings of the 2001 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2001
Counting twig matches in a tree
Z Chen, HV Jagadish, F Korn, N Koudas, S Muthukrishnan, R Ng, ...
Proceedings 17th International Conference on Data Engineering, 595-604, 2001
A privacy-preserving technique for Euclidean distance-based mining algorithms using Fourier-related transforms
S Mukherjee, Z Chen, A Gangopadhyay
The VLDB journal 15, 293-315, 2006
Addressing diverse user preferences in sql-query-result navigation
Z Chen, T Li
Proceedings of the 2007 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2007
Multidimensional substring selectivity estimation using set hashing of cross-counts
Z Chen, PR Korn, N Koudas, S Muthukrishnan
US Patent 6,738,762, 2004
A privacy protection model for patient data with multiple sensitive attributes
TS Gal, Z Chen, A Gangopadhyay
International Journal of Information Security and Privacy (IJISP) 2 (3), 28-44, 2008
Selectively estimation for boolean queries
Z Chen, N Koudas, F Korn, S Muthukrishnan
Proceedings of the nineteenth ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART symposium on …, 2000
Method for matching XML twigs using index structures and relational query processors
P Korn, N Koudas, D Srivastava, Z Chen, J Gehrke, ...
US Patent App. 10/937,641, 2006
Dynamic query forms for database queries
L Tang, T Li, Y Jiang, Z Chen
IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering 26 (9), 2166-2178, 2013
Index structures for matching XML twigs using relational query processors
Z Chen, J Gehrke, F Korn, N Koudas, J Shanmugasundaram, ...
Data & Knowledge Engineering 60 (2), 283-302, 2007
Semantic integration of government data for water quality management
Z Chen, A Gangopadhyay, SH Holden, G Karabatis, MP McGuire
Government Information Quarterly 24 (4), 716-735, 2007
Transformation tool for mapping XML to relational database
S Chaudhuri, Z Chen, K Shim, Y Yu
US Patent 7,228,312, 2007
A privacy preserving technique for distance-based classification with worst case privacy guarantees
S Mukherjee, M Banerjee, Z Chen, A Gangopadhyay
Data & Knowledge Engineering 66 (2), 264-288, 2008
An algebraic compression framework for query results
Z Chen, P Seshadri
Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Data Engineering (Cat. No …, 2000
A data recipient centered de-identification method to retain statistical attributes
TS Gal, TC Tucker, A Gangopadhyay, Z Chen
Journal of biomedical informatics 50, 32-45, 2014
Storing XML (with XSD) in SQL databases: Interplay of logical and physical designs
S Chaudhuri, Z Chen, K Shim, Y Wu
IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering 17 (12), 1595-1609, 2005
A comparative study of data cleaning tools
S Oni, Z Chen, S Hoban, O Jademi
International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining (IJDWM) 15 (4), 48-65, 2019
Semantic integration and knowledge discovery for environmental research
Z Chen, A Gangopadhyay, G Karabatis, M McGuire, C Welty
Journal of Database Management (JDM) 18 (1), 43-68, 2007
The chromatin remodeler Snf2h is essential for oocyte meiotic cell cycle progression
C Zhang, Z Chen, Q Yin, X Fu, Y Li, T Stopka, AI Skoultchi, Y Zhang
Genes & development 34 (3-4), 166-178, 2020
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Articles 1–20