Goutam Paul
Goutam Paul
Associate Professor, Cryptology & Security Research Unit (CSRU), Indian Statistical Institute
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Cited by
Operating systems: internals and design principles
W Stallings
Prentice Hall Press, 2011
RC4 stream cipher and its variants
G Paul, S Maitra
CRC press, 2011
Digital image steganography: A literature survey
PC Mandal, I Mukherjee, G Paul, BN Chatterji
Information sciences 609, 1451-1488, 2022
Analysis of RC4 and proposal of additional layers for better security margin
S Maitra, G Paul
Progress in Cryptology-INDOCRYPT 2008: 9th International Conference on …, 2008
(Non-) random sequences from (non-) random permutations—Analysis of RC4 stream cipher
S Sen Gupta, S Maitra, G Paul, S Sarkar
Journal of Cryptology 27, 67-108, 2014
Towards a more democratic mining in bitcoins
G Paul, P Sarkar, S Mukherjee
Information Systems Security: 10th International Conference, ICISS 2014 …, 2014
Permutation after RC4 key scheduling reveals the secret key
G Paul, S Maitra
Selected Areas in Cryptography: 14th International Workshop, SAC 2007 …, 2007
A machine learning approach towards the prediction of protein–ligand binding affinity based on fundamental molecular properties
I Kundu, G Paul, R Banerjee
RSC advances 8 (22), 12127-12137, 2018
New form of permutation bias and secret key leakage in keystream bytes of RC4
S Maitra, G Paul
Fast Software Encryption: 15th International Workshop, FSE 2008, Lausanne …, 2008
On non-negligible bias of the first output byte of RC4 towards the first three bytes of the secret key
G Paul, S Rathi, S Maitra
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 49, 123-134, 2008
Double-block hash-then-sum: a paradigm for constructing BBB secure PRF
N Datta, A Dutta, M Nandi, G Paul
IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology, 36-92, 2018
Attack on broadcast RC4 revisited
S Maitra, G Paul, S Sen Gupta
Fast Software Encryption: 18th International Workshop, FSE 2011, Lyngby …, 2011
Proposal for quantum rational secret sharing
A Maitra, SJ De, G Paul, AK Pal
Physical Review A 92 (2), 022305, 2015
Searching for Hidden Messages: Automatic Detection of Steganography.
G Berg, I Davidson, MY Duan, G Paul
IAAI, 51-56, 2003
Electrochemical performance of direct carbon fuel cells with titanate anodes
A Kulkarni, S Giddey, SPS Badwal, G Paul
Electrochimica Acta 121, 34-43, 2014
Single key variant of PMAC_Plus
N Datta, A Dutta, M Nandi, G Paul, L Zhang
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2017
Internal state recovery of grain-v1 employing normality order of the filter function
MJ Mihaljević, S Gangopadhyay, G Paul, H Imai
IET Information Security 6 (2), 55-64, 2012
A PVD based high capacity steganography algorithm with embedding in non-sequential position
G Paul, SK Saha, D Burman
Multimedia Tools and Applications 79 (19), 13449-13479, 2020
Keyless dynamic optimal multi-bit image steganography using energetic pixels
G Paul, I Davidson, I Mukherjee, SS Ravi
Multimedia tools and applications 76, 7445-7471, 2017
Device-independent quantum private query
A Maitra, G Paul, S Roy
Physical Review A 95 (4), 042344, 2017
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Articles 1–20