Pierre Gabriel
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Cited by
Eigenelements of a general aggregation-fragmentation model
M Doumic Jauffret, P Gabriel
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 20 (05), 757-783, 2010
A non-conservative Harris ergodic theorem
V Bansaye, B Cloez, P Gabriel, A Marguet
Journal of the London Mathematical Society 106 (3), 2459-2510, 2022
Ergodic behavior of non-conservative semigroups via generalized Doeblin’s conditions
V Bansaye, B Cloez, P Gabriel
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 166, 29-72, 2020
The contribution of age structure to cell population responses to targeted therapeutics
P Gabriel, SP Garbett, V Quaranta, DR Tyson, GF Webb
Journal of theoretical biology 311, 19-27, 2012
An efficient kinetic model for assemblies of amyloid fibrils and its application to polyglutamine aggregation
S Prigent, A Ballesta, F Charles, N Lenuzza, P Gabriel, LM Tine, H Rezaei, ...
PloS one 7 (11), e43273, 2012
Fine asymptotics of profiles and relaxation to equilibrium for growth-fragmentation equations with variable drift rates
D Balagué, J Cañizo, P Gabriel
Kinetic and Related Models 6 (2), 219-243, 2013
Measure solutions to the conservative renewal equation
P Gabriel
ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys 62, 68-78, 2018
Cyclic asymptotic behaviour of a population reproducing by fission into two equal parts
E Bernard, M Doumic, P Gabriel
Kinetic and Related Models 12 (3), 551-571, 2019
The mean-field equation of a leaky integrate-and-fire neural network: measure solutions and steady states
G Dumont, P Gabriel
Nonlinearity 33 (12), 6381, 2020
Self-similarity in a general aggregation-fragmentation problem. Application to fitness analysis
V Calvez, M Doumic, P Gabriel
Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées 98 (1), 1-27, 2012
Spectral gap for the growth-fragmentation equation via Harris's Theorem
JA Cañizo, P Gabriel, H Yoldas
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 53 (5), 5185-5214, 2021
On an irreducibility type condition for the ergodicity of nonconservative semigroups
B Cloez, P Gabriel
Comptes Rendus. Mathématique 358 (6), 733-742, 2020
Long-time asymptotics for nonlinear growth-fragmentation equations
P Gabriel
Communications in Mathematical Sciences 10 (3), 787-820, 2012
Asynchronous exponential growth of the growth-fragmentation equation with unbounded fragmentation rate
É Bernard, P Gabriel
Journal of Evolution Equations 20 (2), 375-401, 2020
Asymptotic behavior of the growth-fragmentation equation with bounded fragmentation rate
E Bernard, P Gabriel
Journal of Functional Analysis 272 (8), 3455-3485, 2017
Optimization of an amplification protocol for misfolded proteins by using relaxed control
JM Coron, P Gabriel, P Shang
Journal of mathematical biology 70 (1), 289-327, 2015
The shape of the polymerization rate in the prion equation
P Gabriel
Mathematical and computer modelling 53 (7-8), 1451-1456, 2011
Periodic asymptotic dynamics of the measure solutions to an equal mitosis equation
P Gabriel, H Martin
Annales Henri Lebesgue 5, 275-301, 2022
Steady distribution of the incremental model for bacteria proliferation
P Gabriel, H Martin
Networks and Heterogeneous Media 14 (1), 149-171, 2019
Exponential relaxation to self-similarity for the superquadratic fragmentation equation
P Gabriel, F Salvarani
Applied Mathematics Letters 27, 74-78, 2014
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Articles 1–20