Alexander Bucksch
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Cited by
GiA Roots: software for the high throughput analysis of plant root system architecture
T Galkovskyi, Y Mileyko, A Bucksch, B Moore, O Symonova, CA Price, ...
BMC plant biology 12, 1-12, 2012
3D phenotyping and quantitative trait locus mapping identify core regions of the rice genome controlling root architecture
CN Topp, AS Iyer-Pascuzzi, JT Anderson, CR Lee, PR Zurek, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (18), E1695-E1704, 2013
Image-based high-throughput field phenotyping of crop roots
A Bucksch, J Burridge, LM York, A Das, E Nord, JS Weitz, JP Lynch
Plant Physiology 166 (2), 470-486, 2014
Digital imaging of root traits (DIRT): a high-throughput computing and collaboration platform for field-based root phenomics
A Das, H Schneider, J Burridge, AK Martinez Ascanio, T Wojciechowski, ...
Plant Methods 11 (51), 2015
Legume shovelomics: high—throughput phenotyping of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata subsp, unguiculata) root architecture in the field
J Burridge, CN Jochua, A Bucksch, JP Lynch
Field Crops Research 192, 21-32, 2016
CAMPINO—A skeletonization method for point cloud processing
A Bucksch, R Lindenbergh
ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing 63 (1), 115-127, 2008
SkelTre: Robust skeleton extraction from imperfect point clouds
A Bucksch, R Lindenbergh, M Menenti
The Visual Computer 26, 1283-1300, 2010
Genome-wide association mapping and agronomic impact of cowpea root architecture
JD Burridge, HM Schneider, BL Huynh, PA Roberts, A Bucksch, JP Lynch
Theoretical and applied genetics 130, 419-431, 2017
Morphological plant modeling: Unleashing geometric and topologic potential within the plant sciences
A Bucksch, A Atta-Boateng, AF Azihou, D Battogtokh, A Baumgartner, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017
Automated detection of branch dimensions in woody skeletons of fruit tree canopies
A Bucksch, S Fleck
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 77 (3), 229-240, 2011
Skeltre-fast skeletonisation for imperfect point cloud data of botanic trees
A Bucksch, RC Lindenbergh, M Menenti
Proceedings of the 2nd Eurographics conference on 3D Object Retrieval, 13-20, 2009
Root angle in maize influences nitrogen capture and is regulated by calcineurin B‐like protein (CBL)‐interacting serine/threonine‐protein kinase 15 (ZmCIPK15)
HM Schneider, VSN Lor, MT Hanlon, A Perkins, SM Kaeppler, AN Borkar, ...
Plant, Cell & Environment 45 (3), 837-853, 2022
DIRT/3D: 3D root phenotyping for field grown maize (Zea mays)
S Liu, C Barrow, MT Hanlon, J Lynch, A Bucksch
Plant Physiology, 2021
Reshaping plant biology: qualitative and quantitative descriptors for plant morphology
M Balduzzi, BM Binder, A Bucksch, C Chang, L Hong, AS Iyer-Pascuzzi, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 8, 117, 2017
Structural monitoring of tunnels using terrestrial laser scanning
R Lindenbergh, L Uchanski, A Bucksch, R Van Gosliga
Reports of Geodesy 2 (87), 231-239, 2009
Breast Height Diameter Estimation From High-Density Airborne LiDAR Data
A Bucksch, R Lindenbergh, MZ Abd Rahman, M Menenti
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 11 (6), 1056 - 1060, 2014
Error budget of terrestrial laser scanning: influence of the incidence angle on the scan quality
S Soudarissanane, J Van Ree, A Bucksch, R Lindenbergh
3D-NordOst, 2007
Phenotypic variation of cassava root traits and their responses to drought
J Kengkanna, P Jakaew, S Amawan, N Busener, A Bucksch, ...
Applications in plant sciences 7 (4), e01238, 2019
A practical introduction to skeletons for the plant sciences
A Bucksch
Applications in plant sciences 2 (8), 1400005, 2014
Localized Registration of Point Clouds of Botanic Trees
A Bucksch, K Khoshelham
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 10 (3), 631 - 635, 2013
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Articles 1–20