Ivan L. M. Ricarte
Ivan L. M. Ricarte
Full Professor, University of Campinas
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Revisão sistemática da literatura: conceituação, produção e publicação
MCB Galvão, ILM Ricarte
Logeion: Filosofia da informação 6 (1), 57-73, 2019
Métodos de pesquisa mistos e revisões de literatura mistas: conceitos, construção e critérios de avaliação
MCB Galvão, P Pluye, ILM Ricarte
InCID: Revista de Ciência da Informação e Documentação 8 (2), 4-24, 2017
Coordination of collaborative activities: A framework for the definition of tasks interdependencies
AB Raposo, LP Magalhães, ILM Ricarte, H Fuks
Proceedings Seventh International Workshop on Groupware. CRIWG 2001, 170-179, 2001
Pensamento computacional no ensino de programação: Uma revisão sistemática da literatura brasileira
H Zanetti, M Borges, I Ricarte
Brazilian Symposium on Computers in Education (Simpósio Brasileiro de …, 2016
Prontuário do Paciente
MCB Galvão, ILM Ricarte
Guanabara Koogan 1, 344, 2012
Petri nets based coordination mechanisms for multi-workflow environments
AB Raposo, LP Magalhães, ILM Ricarte
Computer Systems Science and Engineering 15 (5), 315-326, 2000
An agent infrastructure to set collaborative environments
CJM Olguín, ALN Delgado, ILM Ricarte
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 3 (3), 65-73, 2000
O prontuário eletrônico do paciente no século XXI: contribuições necessárias da ciência da informação
MCB Galvao, ILM Ricarte
InCID: Revista de Ciência da Informação e Documentação 2 (2), 77-100, 2011
Letramento e tecnologia
Campinas: CEFIEL/IEL/Unicamp, 2005
Development and content validation of the information assessment method for patients and consumers
P Pluye, V Granikov, G Bartlett, RM Grad, DL Tang, J Johnson-Lafleur, ...
JMIR research protocols 3 (1), e2908, 2014
Identification of patient safety risks associated with electronic health records: a software quality perspective
LA Virginio Jr, ILM Ricarte
MEDINFO 2015: eHealth-enabled Health, 55-59, 2015
Usos de tecnologias da informação e comunicação no ensino superior em Enfermagem durante a pandemia da COVID-19
MCB Galvão, ILM Ricarte, C Darsie, AC Forster, JBB Ferreira, M Carneiro, ...
Brazilian Journal of Information Science, 8, 2021
The Clinical Relevance of Information Index (CRII): assessing the relevance of health information to the clinical practice
MCB Galvao, ILM Ricarte, RM Grad, P Pluye
Health Information & Libraries Journal 30 (2), 110-120, 2013
Fuzzy relational ontological model in information search systems
R Pereira, I Ricarte, F Gomide
Capturing Intelligence 1, 395-412, 2006
Devising adaptive migration policies for cooperative distributed genetic algorithms
E Noda, ALV Coelho, ILM Ricarte, A Yamakami, AA Freitas
Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2002 IEEE International Conference on 6, 438-443, 2002
Programação Orientada a Objetos: uma abordagem com Java
ILM Ricarte
http://www. dca. fee. unicamp. br/cursos/PooJava/Aulas/poojava. pdf> Acesso …, 2001
Physician assessments of the value of therapeutic information delivered via e-mail
R Grad, P Pluye, C Repchinsky, B Jovaisas, B Marlow, ILM Ricarte, ...
Canadian Family Physician 60 (5), e258-e262, 2014
Efficient Visualization in a mobile WWW environment
AB Raposo, L Neumann, LP Magalhaes, ILM Ricarte
Proceedings of the WebNet 97, World Conference of the WWW, Internet, and …, 1997
Number needed to benefit from information (NNBI): proposal from a mixed methods research study with practicing family physicians
P Pluye, RM Grad, J Johnson-Lafleur, V Granikov, M Shulha, B Marlow, ...
The Annals of Family Medicine 11 (6), 559-567, 2013
A reference model for intelligent information retrieval
ILM Ricarte, F Gomide
FLINT 2001 - New Directions in Enhancing the Power of Internet, 80-85, 2001
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Articles 1–20