Airlie Chapman
Airlie Chapman
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Online distributed convex optimization on dynamic networks
S Hosseini, A Chapman, M Mesbahi
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 61 (11), 3545-3550, 2016
Exotic states in a simple network of nanoelectromechanical oscillators
MH Matheny, J Emenheiser, W Fon, A Chapman, A Salova, M Rohden, ...
Science 363 (6431), eaav7932, 2019
Controllability and observability of network-of-networks via Cartesian products
A Chapman, M Nabi-Abdolyousefi, M Mesbahi
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 59 (10), 2668-2679, 2014
On strong structural controllability of networked systems: A constrained matching approach
A Chapman, M Mesbahi
2013 American control conference, 6126-6131, 2013
Online distributed optimization via dual averaging
S Hosseini, A Chapman, M Mesbahi
52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1484-1489, 2013
Advection on Graphs
A Chapman, M Mesbahi
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1461-1466, 2011
Semi-autonomous consensus: Network measures and adaptive trees
A Chapman, M Mesbahi
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 58 (1), 19-31, 2012
Efficient infrastructure restoration strategies using the recovery operator
AD González, A Chapman, L Dueñas‐Osorio, M Mesbahi, RM D'Souza
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 32 (12), 991-1006, 2017
Bearing-compass formation control: A human-swarm interaction perspective
E Schoof, A Chapman, M Mesbahi
2014 American Control Conference, 3881-3886, 2014
On symmetry and controllability of multi-agent systems
A Chapman, M Mesbahi
53rd ieee conference on decision and control, 625-630, 2014
A graph automorphic approach for placement and sizing of charging stations in EV network considering traffic
H Parastvand, V Moghaddam, O Bass, MAS Masoum, A Chapman, ...
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 11 (5), 4190-4200, 2020
State controllability, output controllability and stabilizability of networks: A symmetry perspective
A Chapman, M Mesbahi
2015 54th ieee conference on decision and control (cdc), 4776-4781, 2015
Transverse characterization of high air-fill fraction tapered photonic crystal fiber
P Domachuk, A Chapman, E Mägi, MJ Steel, HC Nguyen, BJ Eggleton
Applied optics 44 (19), 3885-3892, 2005
Online distributed ADMM via dual averaging
S Hosseini, A Chapman, M Mesbahi
53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 904-909, 2014
On the Controllability and Observability of Cartesian Product Networks
A Chapman, M Nabi-Abdolyousefi, M Mesbahi
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 80-85, 2012
Patterns of patterns of synchronization: Noise induced attractor switching in rings of coupled nonlinear oscillators
J Emenheiser, A Chapman, M Pósfai, JP Crutchfield, M Mesbahi, ...
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 26 (9), 2016
Cyber-security constrained placement of FACTS devices in power networks from a novel topological perspective
H Parastvand, O Bass, MAS Masoum, A Chapman, S Lachowicz
IEEE Access 8, 108201-108215, 2020
Strong Structural Controllability of Networked Dynamics
A Chapman, M Mesbahi
American Control Conference, 6141-6146, 2013
Uav flocking with wind gusts: Adaptive topology and model reduction
A Chapman, M Mesbahi
Proceedings of the 2011 American Control Conference, 1045-1050, 2011
Constrained extremum seeking of a MIMO dynamic system
CK Liao, C Manzie, A Chapman, T Alpcan
Automatica 108, 108496, 2019
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Articles 1–20