Christian Staerklé
Christian Staerklé
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Social order and political legitimacy
C Staerklé
The Cambridge Handbook of Social Representations, 280-294, 2015
Trust in medical organizations predicts pandemic (H1N1) 2009 vaccination behavior and perceived efficacy of protection measures in the Swiss public
I Gilles, A Bangerter, A Clémence, EGT Green, F Krings, C Staerklé, ...
European journal of epidemiology 26, 203-210, 2011
The centrality of the self-control ethos in western aspersions regarding outgroups: A social representational approach to stereotype content
H Joffe, C Staerklé
Culture & Psychology 13 (4), 395-418, 2007
Ethnic minority‐majority asymmetry in national attitudes around the world: A multilevel analysis
C Staerklé, J Sidanius, EGT Green, LE Molina
Political Psychology 31 (4), 491-519, 2010
Symbolic racism and Whites’ attitudes towards punitive and preventive crime policies
EGT Green, C Staerkle, DO Sears
Law and Human Behavior 30, 435-454, 2006
Lay perceptions of collectives at the outbreak of the H1N1 epidemic: heroes, villains and victims
P Wagner-Egger, A Bangerter, I Gilles, E Green, D Rigaud, F Krings, ...
Public understanding of science 20 (4), 461-476, 2011
I want to quit education: A longitudinal study of stress and optimism as predictors of school dropout intention
V Eicher, C Staerklé, A Clémence
Journal of adolescence 37 (7), 1021-1030, 2014
Social representations: A normative and dynamic intergroup approach
C Staerklé, A Clémence, D Spini
Political Psychology 32 (5), 759-768, 2011
Immigration and multiculturalism
EGT Green, C Staerklé
The Oxford Handbook of Political Psychology, 852-889, 2013
Keeping the vermin out: Perceived disease threat and ideological orientations as predictors of exclusionary immigration attitudes
EGT Green, F Krings, C Staerklé, A Bangerter, A Clémence, ...
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 20 (4), 299-316, 2010
Representation of human rights across different national contexts: the role of democratic and non‐democratic populations and governments
C Staerklé, A Clémence, W Doise
European Journal of Social Psychology 28 (2), 207-226, 1998
Right‐wing populism as a social representation: A comparison across four European countries
C Staerklé, EGT Green
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 28 (6), 430-445, 2018
Policy attitudes, ideological values and social representations
C Staerklé
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 3 (6), 1096-1112, 2009
Collective symbolic coping with disease threat and othering: A case study of avian influenza
I Gilles, A Bangerter, A Clémence, EGT Green, F Krings, A Mouton, ...
British Journal of Social Psychology 52 (1), 83-102, 2013
Qui a droit à quoi?. Représentations et légitimation de l'ordre social
C Staerklé, C Delay, L Gianettoni, P Roux
Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, 2007
Immigration and multiculturalism in context: A framework for psychological research
C Ward, J Gale, C Staerklé, J Stuart
Journal of Social Issues 74 (4), 833-855, 2018
Nationalism and patriotism as predictors of immigration attitudes in Switzerland: A municipality‐level analysis
EGT Green, O Sarrasin, N Fasel, C Staerklé
Swiss Political Science Review 17 (4), 369-393, 2011
Opposition to antiracism laws across Swiss municipalities: A multilevel analysis
O Sarrasin, EGT Green, N Fasel, O Christ, C Staerklé, A Clémence
Political Psychology 33 (5), 659-681, 2012
From social to political psychology: The societal approach
W Doise, C Staerklé
Political psychology, 151-172, 2002
Human rights and Genevan youth: A developmental study of social representations
W Doise, C Staerklé, A Clémence, F Savory
Swiss Journal of Psychology 57 (2), 86-100, 1998
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Articles 1–20