Reliable genotyping of samples with very low DNA quantities using PCR P Taberlet, S Griffin, B Goossens, S Questiau, V Manceau, N Escaravage, ... Nucleic acids research 24 (16), 3189-3194, 1996 | 1810 | 1996 |
Morphometric, behavioral, and genomic evidence for a new orangutan species A Nater, MP Mattle-Greminger, A Nurcahyo, MG Nowak, M De Manuel, ... Current Biology 27 (22), 3487-3498. e10, 2017 | 357 | 2017 |
The confounding effects of population structure, genetic diversity and the sampling scheme on the detection and quantification of population size changes L Chikhi, VC Sousa, P Luisi, B Goossens, MA Beaumont Genetics 186 (3), 983-995, 2010 | 345 | 2010 |
Genetic signature of anthropogenic population collapse in orang-utans B Goossens, L Chikhi, M Ancrenaz, I Lackman-Ancrenaz, P Andau, ... PLoS Biology 4 (2), e25, 2006 | 334 | 2006 |
Plucked hair samples as a source of DNA: reliability of dinucleotide microsatellite genotyping B Goossens, LP Waits, P Taberlet Molecular Ecology 7 (9), 1237-1241, 1998 | 313 | 1998 |
Molecular censusing doubles giant panda population estimate in a key nature reserve X Zhan, M Li, Z Zhang, B Goossens, Y Chen, H Wang, MW Bruford, F Wei Current biology 16 (12), R451-R452, 2006 | 241 | 2006 |
Male bimaturism and reproductive success in Sumatran orang-utans SS Utami, B Goossens, MW Bruford, JR de Ruiter, JA van Hooff Behavioral Ecology 13 (5), 643-652, 2002 | 226 | 2002 |
Patterns of genetic diversity and migration in increasingly fragmented and declining orang‐utan (Pongo pygmaeus) populations from Sabah, Malaysia B Goossens, L Chikhi, MF Jalil, M Ancrenaz, I LACKMAN‐ANCRENAZ, ... Molecular Ecology 14 (2), 441-456, 2005 | 215 | 2005 |
Extra-pair paternity in the monogamous Alpine marmot revealed by nuclear DNA microsatellite analysis B Goossens, L Graziani, LP Waits, E Farand, S Magnolon, J Coulon, ... Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 43, 281-288, 1998 | 213 | 1998 |
Understanding the impacts of land-use policies on a threatened species: is there a future for the Bornean orang-utan? SA Wich, D Gaveau, N Abram, M Ancrenaz, A Baccini, S Brend, L Curran, ... PloS one 7 (11), e49142, 2012 | 175 | 2012 |
Aerial surveys give new estimates for orangutans in Sabah, Malaysia M Ancrenaz, O Gimenez, L Ambu, K Ancrenaz, P Andau, B Goossens, ... PLoS Biology 3 (1), e3, 2005 | 168 | 2005 |
Mating system and reproductive skew in the black rhinoceros JN Garnier, MW Bruford, B Goossens Molecular Ecology 10 (8), 2031-2041, 2001 | 156 | 2001 |
Global demand for natural resources eliminated more than 100,000 Bornean orangutans M Voigt, SA Wich, M Ancrenaz, E Meijaard, N Abram, GL Banes, ... Current Biology 28 (5), 761-769. e5, 2018 | 147 | 2018 |
Mapped aboveground carbon stocks to advance forest conservation and recovery in Malaysian Borneo GP Asner, PG Brodrick, C Philipson, NR Vaughn, RE Martin, DE Knapp, ... Biological Conservation 217, 289-310, 2018 | 146 | 2018 |
A multi-samples, multi-extracts approach for microsatellite analysis of faecal samples in an arboreal ape B Goossens, L Chikhi, SS Utami, J de Ruiter, MW Bruford Conservation genetics 1, 157-162, 2000 | 139 | 2000 |
Determination of ape distribution and population size using ground and aerial surveys: a case study with orang-utans in lower Kinabatangan, Sabah, Malaysia M Ancrenaz, B Goossens, O Gimenez, A Sawang, I Lackman-Ancrenaz Animal Conservation forum 7 (4), 375-385, 2004 | 138 | 2004 |
Genetic viability and population history of the giant panda, putting an end to the “evolutionary dead end”? B Zhang, M Li, Z Zhang, B Goossens, L Zhu, S Zhang, J Hu, MW Bruford, ... Molecular biology and evolution 24 (8), 1801-1810, 2007 | 132 | 2007 |
Home Range and Ranging Behaviour of Bornean Elephant (Elephas maximus borneensis) Females R Alfred, AH Ahmad, J Payne, C Williams, LN Ambu, PM How, ... PLoS One 7 (2), e31400, 2012 | 129 | 2012 |
Survival, interactions with conspecifics and reproduction in 37 chimpanzees released into the wild B Goossens, JM Setchell, E Tchidongo, E Dilambaka, C Vidal, ... Biological conservation 123 (4), 461-475, 2005 | 125 | 2005 |
Sex-Biased Dispersal and Volcanic Activities Shaped Phylogeographic Patterns of Extant Orangutans (genus: Pongo) A Nater, P Nietlisbach, N Arora, CP van Schaik, MA van Noordwijk, ... Molecular Biology and Evolution 28 (8), 2275-2288, 2011 | 122 | 2011 |