Correggiari Annamaria
Correggiari Annamaria
ISMAR CNR Istituto di Scienze Marine, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Italy
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Citované v
The late-Holocene Gargano subaqueous delta, Adriatic shelf: sediment pathways and supply fluctuations
A Cattaneo, A Correggiari, L Langone, F Trincardi
Marine Geology 193 (1-2), 61-91, 2003
Late Quaternary transgressive erosion and deposition in a modern epicontinental shelf: the Adriatic semienclosed basin
F Trincardi, A Correggiari, M Roveri
Geo-marine letters 14 (1), 41-51, 1994
Late Pleistocene and Holocene evolution of the north Adriatic Sea
A Correggiari, M Roveri, F Trincardi
Il Quaternario (Italian Journal of Quaternary Sciences) 9 (2), 697-704, 1996
The modern Po Delta system: lobe switching and asymmetric prodelta growth
A Correggiari, A Cattaneo, F Trincardi
Marine Geology 222 (222-223 Mediterranean Prodelta Systems), 49-74, 2005
Source of 1755 Lisbon earthquake and tsunami investigated
N Zitellini, LA Mendes, D Cordoba, J Danobeitia, R Nicolich, G Pellis, ...
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 82 (26), 285-291, 2001
Styles of failure in late Holocene highstand prodelta wedges on the Adriatic shelf
A Correggiari, F Trincardi, L Langone, M Roveri
Journal of Sedimentary Research 71 (2), 218-236, 2001
Neogene through Quaternary tectonic reactivation of SW Iberian passive margin
N Zitellini, M Rovere, P Terrinha, F Chierici, ...
Pure and Applied Geophysics 161 (3), 565-587, 2004
Distributary channels and their impact on sediment dispersal
JPM Syvitski, AJ Kettner, A Correggiari, BW Nelson
Marine Geology 222, 75-94, 2005
The Western Adriatic shelf clinoform: energy-limited bottomset
A Cattaneo, F Trincardi, A Asioli, A Correggiari
Continental Shelf Research 27 (3-4), 506-525, 2007
Stratigraphy of the late-Quaternary deposits in the central Adriatic basin and the record of short-term climatic events
F Trincardi, A Cattaneo, A Asioli, A Correggiari, L Langone
Memorie-Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia 55, 39-70, 1996
Quaternary forced regression deposits in the Adriatic basin and the record of composite sea-level cycles
F Trincardi, A Correggiari
Sedimentary responses of forced regressions - Hunt D. and Gawthorpe D. (Eds …, 2000
The impact of cascading currents on the Bari Canyon System, SW-Adriatic margin (Central Mediterranean)
F Trincardi, F Foglini, G Verdicchio, A Asioli, A Correggiari, D Minisini, ...
Marine Geology 246 (2-4), 208-230, 2007
Depositional patterns in the late Holocene Po delta system
A Correggiari, A Cattaneo, F Trincardi
River Deltas: Concepts, Models and Examples, J.P. Bhattacharya, L. Giosan …, 2005
Seafloor undulation pattern on the Adriatic shelf and comparison to deep-water sediment waves
A Cattaneo, A Correggiari, T Marsset, Y Thomas, B Marsset, F Trincardi
Marine Geology 213 (1-4), 121-148, 2004
Evidence of soft sediment deformation, fluid escape, sediment failure and regional weak layers within the late Quaternary mud deposits of the Adriatic Sea
F Trincardi, A Cattaneo, A Correggiari, D Ridente
Marine Geology 213 (1-4), 91-119, 2004
Late Quaternary transgressive large dunes on the sediment-starved Adriatic shelf
A Correggiari, ME Field, F Trincardi
Geology Siliciclastic Shelf Seas - Geological Society, London, Special …, 1996
Integrating multidisciplinary instruments for assessing coastal vulnerability to erosion and sea level rise: Lessons and challenges from the Adriatic Sea, Italy
D Bonaldo, F Antonioli, R Archetti, A Bezzi, A Correggiari, S Davolio, ...
Journal of Coastal Conservation 23, 19-37, 2019
Bathymetry of the Adriatic Sea: The legacy of the last eustatic cycle and the impact of modern sediment dispersal
F Trincardi, E Campiani, A Correggiari, F Foglini, V Maselli, A Remia
Journal of Maps 10 (1), 151-158, 2014
Age-depth modelling through the late Quaternary deposits of the central Adriatic basin
L Langone, A Asioli, A Correggiari, F Trincardi
Memorie-Istituto Italiano Di Idrobiologia 55, 177-196, 1996
Mediterranean Prodelta Systems: Natural Evolution and Human Impact Investigated by EURODELTA
F Trincardi, A Cattaneo, A Correggiari
Oceanography 17 (4), 34, 2004
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