Janine Rüegg
Janine Rüegg
Academic Staff, FG Gewässerökologie, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
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Cited by
Improving the culture of interdisciplinary collaboration in ecology by expanding measures of success
SJ Goring, KC Weathers, WK Dodds, PA Soranno, LC Sweet, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 12 (1), 39-47, 2014
Continental-scale decrease in net primary productivity in streams due to climate warming
C Song, WK Dodds, J Rüegg, A Argerich, CL Baker, WB Bowden, ...
Nature Geoscience 11 (6), 415-420, 2018
Completing the data life cycle: using information management in macrosystems ecology research
J Rüegg, C Gries, B Bond-Lamberty, GJ Bowen, BS Felzer, NE McIntyre, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 12 (1), 24-30, 2014
Ecological effects of live salmon exceed those of carcasses during an annual spawning migration
SD Tiegs, PS Levi, J Rüegg, DT Chaloner, JL Tank, GA Lamberti
Ecosystems 14, 598-614, 2011
Timber harvest transforms ecological roles of salmon in southeast Alaska rain forest streams
SD Tiegs, DT Chaloner, P Levi, J Rüegg, JL Tank, GA Lamberti
Ecological Applications 18 (1), 4-11, 2008
Separating physical disturbance and nutrient enrichment caused by Pacific salmon in stream ecosystems
SD Tiegs, EY Campbell, PS Levi, J Rueegg, ME Benbow, DT Chaloner, ...
Freshwater Biology 54 (9), 1864-1875, 2009
Methods of approximation influence aquatic ecosystem metabolism estimates
C Song, WK Dodds, MT Trentman, J Rüegg, F Ballantyne IV
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 14 (9), 557-569, 2016
Salmon subsidies alleviate nutrient limitation of benthic biofilms in southeast Alaska streams
J Rüegg, SD Tiegs, DT Chaloner, PS Levi, JL Tank, GA Lamberti
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 68 (2), 277-287, 2011
Thinking like a consumer: Linking aquatic basal metabolism and consumer dynamics
J Rüegg, CC Conn, EP Anderson, TJ Battin, ES Bernhardt, ...
Limnology and Oceanography Letters 6 (1), 1-17, 2021
Whole-stream metabolism responds to spawning Pacific salmon in their native and introduced ranges
PS Levi, JL Tank, J Rüegg, DJ Janetski, SD Tiegs, DT Chaloner, ...
Ecosystems 16, 269-283, 2013
Comparison of macroinvertebrate assemblages of permanent and temporary streams in an Alpine flood plain, Switzerland
J Rüegg, CT Robinson
Archiv fur Hydrobiologie 161 (4), 489-510, 2004
Quantifying ambient nitrogen uptake and functional relationships of uptake versus concentration in streams: a comparison of stable isotope, pulse, and plateau approaches
MT Trentman, WK Dodds, JS Fencl, K Gerber, J Guarneri, SM Hitchman, ...
Biogeochemistry 125, 65-79, 2015
Environmental variability and the ecological effects of spawning Pacific salmon on stream biofilm
J Rueegg, DT Chaloner, PS Levi, JL Tank, SD Tiegs, GA Lamberti
Freshwater Biology 57 (1), 129-142, 2012
Does timber harvest influence the dynamics of marine-derived nutrients in Southeast Alaska streams?
PS Levi, JL Tank, SD Tiegs, J Rüegg, DT Chaloner, GA Lamberti
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 68 (8), 1316-1329, 2011
Effects of spawning Pacific salmon on the isotopic composition of biota differ among southeast Alaska streams
AJ Reisinger, DT Chaloner, J Rueegg, SD Tiegs, GA Lamberti
Freshwater Biology 58 (5), 938-950, 2013
Probing whole‐stream metabolism: Influence of spatial heterogeneity on rate estimates
AC Siders, DM Larson, J Rüegg, WK Dodds
Freshwater Biology 62 (4), 711-723, 2017
Freshwater hotspots of biological invasion are a function of species–pathway interactions
AM Bobeldyk, J Rüegg, GA Lamberti
Hydrobiologia 746, 363-373, 2015
Variation in detrital resource stoichiometry signals differential carbon to nutrient limitation for stream consumers across biomes
KJ Farrell, AD Rosemond, JS Kominoski, SM Bonjour, J Rüegg, ...
Ecosystems 21, 1676-1691, 2018
Designing inter-and transdisciplinary research on mountains: What place for the unexpected?
I Otero, F Darbellay, E Reynard, G Hetényi, ME Perga, J Rüegg, ...
Mountain Research and Development 40 (4), D10, 2020
A portable, modular, self-contained recirculating chamber to measure benthic processes under controlled water velocity
J Rüegg, JD Brant, DM Larson, MT Trentman, WK Dodds
Freshwater Science 34 (3), 831-844, 2015
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Articles 1–20