Joon Ho Kang
Joon Ho Kang
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Cited by
Characterizing deformability and surface friction of cancer cells
S Byun, S Son, D Amodei, N Cermak, J Shaw, JH Kang, VC Hecht, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (19), 7580-7585, 2013
Visualizing the charge density wave transition in 2 H-NbSe 2 in real space
CJ Arguello, SP Chockalingam, EP Rosenthal, L Zhao, C Gutiérrez, ...
Physical Review B 89 (23), 235115, 2014
Resonant microchannel volume and mass measurements show that suspended cells swell during mitosis
S Son*, JH Kang*, S Oh, MW Kirschner, TJ Mitchison, ...
Journal of Cell Biology 211 (4), 757-763, 2015
Cell size is a determinant of stem cell potential during aging
J Lengefeld, CW Cheng, P Maretich, M Blair, H Hagen, MR McReynolds, ...
Science advances 7 (46), eabk0271, 2021
Noninvasive monitoring of single-cell mechanics by acoustic scattering
JH Kang, TP Miettinen, L Chen, S Olcum, G Katsikis, PS Doyle, ...
Nature Methods 16 (3), 263-269, 2019
Mammalian cell growth dynamics in mitosis
TP Miettinen*, JH Kang*, LF Yang, SR Manalis (*equal contribution)
Elife 8, e44700, 2019
Alveolar proteins stabilize cortical microtubules in Toxoplasma gondii
CR Harding, M Gow, JH Kang, E Shortt, SR Manalis, M Meissner, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 401, 2019
Mass measurements during lymphocytic leukemia cell polyploidization decouple cell cycle-and cell size-dependent growth
L Mu*, JH Kang*, S Olcum, KR Payer, NL Calistri, RJ Kimmerling, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (27), 15659-15665, 2020
Variations of intracellular density during the cell cycle arise from tip-growth regulation in fission yeast
PD Odermatt, TP Miettinen, J Lemière, JH Kang, E Bostan, SR Manalis, ...
Elife 10, e64901, 2021
Monitoring and modeling of lymphocytic leukemia cell bioenergetics reveals decreased ATP synthesis during cell division
JH Kang*, G Katsikis*, Z Li, KM Sapp, MA Stockslager, D Lim, ...
Nature Communications 11, 2020
Deformability-based cell selection with downstream immunofluorescence analysis
J Shaw Bagnall, S Byun, DT Miyamoto, JH Kang, S Maheswaran, SL Stott, ...
Integrative Biology 8 (5), 654-664, 2016
Biophysical changes reduce energetic demand in growth factor–deprived lymphocytes
VC Hecht, LB Sullivan, RJ Kimmerling, DH Kim, AM Hosios, ...
Journal of Cell Biology 212 (4), 439-447, 2016
YAP Enhances Tumor Cell Dissemination by Promoting Intravascular Motility and Reentry into Systemic Circulation
DC Benjamin, JH Kang, B Hamza, EM King, JM Lamar, SR Manalis, ...
Cancer research 80 (18), 3867-3879, 2020
Electric Stimulation Elicits Heterogeneous Responses in ON but not OFF Retinal Ganglion Cells to Transmit Rich Neural Information.
JH Kang, YJ Jang, T Kim, BC Lee, SH Lee, M Im
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2021
Effect of dehydration stress on delayed luminescence in plant leaves
JH Kang, TS Kim, D Jeong, HS Lee, SH Park, KS Soh
Journal of Korean Physical Society 52 (1), 132-136, 2008
Mechanobiological Adaptation to Hyperosmolarity Enhances Barrier Function in Human Vascular Microphysiological System
JH Kang*+, M Jang*, SJ Seo, A Choi, D Shin, S Seo, SH Lee+, ...
Advanced Science, 2206384, 2023
Systems and methods for measuring properties of particles
JH Kang, S Olcum, SR Manalis
US Patent 11,754,486, 2023
Dynamics of single-cell mass, volume and stiffness during mitosis
JH Kang
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2019
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Articles 1–18