Magliano, Joseph
Cited by
Cited by
Toward a comprehensive model of comprehension
DS McNamara, J Magliano
Psychology of learning and motivation 51, 297-384, 2009
Dimensions of situation model construction in narrative comprehension.
RA Zwaan, JP Magliano, AC Graesser
Journal of experimental psychology: Learning, memory, and cognition 21 (2), 386, 1995
Collaborative dialogue patterns in naturalistic one‐to‐one tutoring
AC Graesser, NK Person, JP Magliano
Applied cognitive psychology 9 (6), 495-522, 1995
Conscious understanding during comprehension
T Trabasso, JP Magliano
Discourse Processes 21 (3), 255-287, 1996
Strategic processing during comprehension.
JP Magliano, T Trabasso, AC Graesser
Journal of educational psychology 91 (4), 615, 1999
Indexing space and time in film understanding
JP Magliano, J Miller, RA Zwaan
Applied Cognitive Psychology: The Official Journal of the Society for …, 2001
Assessing reading skill with a think-aloud procedure and latent semantic analysis
JP Magliano, KK Millis
Cognition and Instruction 21 (3), 251-283, 2003
The impact of continuity editing in narrative film on event segmentation
JP Magliano, JM Zacks
Cognitive science 35 (8), 1489-1517, 2011
A three-pronged method for studying inference generation in literary text
JP Magliano, AC Graesser
Poetics 20 (3), 193-232, 1991
Verb aspect and situation models
JP Magliano, MC Schleich
Discourse processes 29 (2), 83-112, 2000
Exploring how relevance instructions affect personal reading intentions, reading goals and text processing: A mixed methods study
MT McCrudden, JP Magliano, G Schraw
Contemporary Educational Psychology 35 (4), 229-241, 2010
Generating predictive inferences while viewing a movie
JP Magliano, K Dijkstra, RA Zwaan
Discourse Processes 22 (3), 199-224, 1996
The time course of generating causal antecedent and causal consequence inferences
JP Magliano, WB Baggett, BK Johnson, AC Graesser
Discourse Processes 16 (1-2), 35-53, 1993
Self-explanation and metacognition: The dynamics of reading
DS McNamara, JP Magliano
Handbook of metacognition in education, 60-81, 2009
A multidimensional framework to evaluate reading assessment tools
JP Magliano
Reading comprehension strategies: Theories, interventions, and technologies …, 2007
The ability of high function individuals with autism to comprehend written discourse
T Wahlberg, JP Magliano
Discourse Processes 38 (1), 119-144, 2004
What would Jaws do? The tyranny of film and the relationship between gaze and higher-level narrative film comprehension
LC Loschky, AM Larson, JP Magliano, TJ Smith
PloS one 10 (11), e0142474, 2015
The role of situational continuity in narrative understanding
JP Magliano, RA Zwaan, AC Graesser
The construction of mental representations during reading, 219-245, 1999
Character and reader emotions in literary texts
K Dijkstra, RA Zwaan, AC Graesser, JP Magliano
Poetics 23 (1-2), 139-157, 1995
Changes in reading strategies as a function of reading training: A comparison of live and computerized training
JP Magliano, S Todaro, K Millis, K Wiemer-Hastings, HJ Kim, ...
Journal of Educational Computing Research 32 (2), 185-208, 2005
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Articles 1–20