Mareike Fischer
Mareike Fischer
Professor for Biomathematics and Stochastics, University of Greifswald, Germany
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Cited by
On computing the maximum parsimony score of a phylogenetic network
M Fischer, L Van Iersel, S Kelk, C Scornavacca
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 29 (1), 559-585, 2015
Application of YOLOv4 for Detection and Motion Monitoring of Red Foxes
AK Schütz, V Schöler, ET Krause, M Fischer, T Müller, CM Freuling, ...
Animals 11 (6), 1723, 2021
Defining objective clusters for rabies virus sequences using affinity propagation clustering
S Fischer, CM Freuling, T Müller, F Pfaff, U Bodenhofer, D Höper, ...
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 12 (1), e0006182, 2018
Sequence length bounds for resolving a deep phylogenetic divergence
M Fischer, M Steel
Journal of theoretical biology 256 (2), 247-252, 2009
On the maximum parsimony distance between phylogenetic trees
M Fischer, S Kelk
Annals of Combinatorics 20 (1), 87-113, 2016
Revisiting an equivalence between maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood methods in phylogenetics
M Fischer, B Thatte
Bulletin of mathematical biology 72, 208-220, 2010
Tree balance indices: a comprehensive survey
M Fischer, L Herbst, S Kersting, L Kühn, K Wicke
arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.12281, 2021
Tree Balance Indices: A Comprehensive Survey
M Fischer, L Herbst, S Kersting, AL Kühn, K Wicke
Springer Nature, 2023
On the complexity of computing MP distance between binary phylogenetic trees
S Kelk, M Fischer
Annals of Combinatorics 21, 573-604, 2017
Phylogenetic diversity and biodiversity indices on phylogenetic networks
K Wicke, M Fischer
Mathematical biosciences 298, 80-90, 2018
On the minimum value of the Colless index and the bifurcating trees that achieve it
TM Coronado, M Fischer, L Herbst, F Rosselló, K Wicke
Journal of Mathematical Biology 80, 1993-2054, 2020
On the quirks of maximum parsimony and likelihood on phylogenetic networks
C Bryant, M Fischer, S Linz, C Semple
Journal of theoretical biology 417, 100-108, 2017
Comparing the rankings obtained from two biodiversity indices: the Fair Proportion Index and the Shapley Value
K Wicke, M Fischer
Journal of theoretical biology 430, 207-214, 2017
Maximum parsimony on subsets of taxa
M Fischer, BD Thatte
Journal of theoretical biology 260 (2), 290-293, 2009
Extremal values of the Sackin balance index for rooted binary trees
M Fischer
arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.10418, 2018
Computer Vision for Detection of Body Posture and Behavior of Red Foxes
AK Schütz, ET Krause, M Fischer, T Müller, CM Freuling, FJ Conraths, ...
Animals 12 (3), 233, 2022
Reduction rules for the maximum parsimony distance on phylogenetic trees
S Kelk, M Fischer, V Moulton, T Wu
Theoretical Computer Science 646, 1-15, 2016
On the Balance of Unrooted Trees
M Fischer, V Liebscher
arXiv preprint arXiv:1510.07882, 2015
Measuring tree balance using symmetry nodes—A new balance index and its extremal properties
SJ Kersting, M Fischer
Mathematical biosciences 341, 108690, 2021
Extremal values of the Sackin tree balance index
M Fischer
Annals of Combinatorics 25 (2), 515-541, 2021
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Articles 1–20