Joel Wein
Joel Wein
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Cited by
Content delivery network (CDN) content server request handling mechanism with metadata framework support
JM Wein, JJ Kloninger, MC Nottingham, DR Karger, PA Lisiecki
US Patent 7,240,100, 2007
Scheduling to minimize average completion time: Off-line and on-line approximation algorithms
LA Hall, AS Schulz, DB Shmoys, J Wein
Mathematics of operations research 22 (3), 513-544, 1997
Optimal time-critical scheduling via resource augmentation
CA Phillips, C Stein, E Torng, J Wein
Proceedings of the twenty-ninth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 1997
Scheduling parallel machines on-line
DB Shmoys, J Wein, DP Williamson
SIAM journal on computing 24 (6), 1313-1331, 1995
Content delivery network (CDN) content server request handling mechanism with metadata framework support
J Wein, J Kloninger, M Nottingham, D Karger, P Lisiecki
US Patent App. 11/768,935, 2007
Method and system for purging content from a content delivery network
A Sherman, PA Lisiecki, JM Wein, DA Dailey, J Dilley, WE Weihl
US Patent 8,266,305, 2012
Content delivery network (CDN) content server request handling mechanism
JM Wein, JJ Kloninger, MC Nottingham, DR Karger, PA Lisiecki
US Patent 8,122,102, 2012
Improved approximation algorithms for shop scheduling problems
DB Shmoys, C Stein, J Wein
SIAM Journal on Computing 23 (3), 617-632, 1994
Scheduling algorithms.
DR Karger, C Stein, J Wein
Algorithms and theory of computation handbook 1, 20-20, 1999
Minimizing average completion time in the presence of release dates
C Phillips, C Stein, J Wein
Mathematical Programming 82 (1), 199-223, 1998
Load-sharing in heterogeneous systems via weighted factoring
SF Hummel, J Schmidt, RN Uma, J Wein
Proceedings of the eighth annual ACM symposium on Parallel algorithms and …, 1996
Techniques for scheduling with rejection
DW Engels, DR Karger, SG Kolliopoulos, S Sengupta, RN Uma, J Wein
Journal of Algorithms 49 (1), 175-191, 2003
Improved scheduling algorithms for minsum criteria
S Chakrabarti, CA Phillips, AS Schulz, DB Shmoys, C Stein, J Wein
Automata, Languages and Programming: 23rd International Colloquium, ICALP'96 …, 1996
Method and system for purging content from a content delivery network
A Sherman, PA Lisiecki, JM Wein, DA Dailey, J Dilley, WE Weihl
US Patent 7,111,057, 2006
On the existence of schedules that are near-optimal for both makespan and total weighted completion time
C Stein, J Wein
Operations Research Letters 21 (3), 115-122, 1997
Scheduling jobs that arrive over time
C Phillips, C Stein, J Wein
Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures, 86-97, 1995
A transport layer for live streaming in a content delivery network
L Kontothanassis, R Sitaraman, J Wein, D Hong, R Kleinberg, B Mancuso, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 92 (9), 1408-1419, 2004
An experimental study of LP-based approximation algorithms for scheduling problems
MWP Savelsbergh, RN Uma, J Wein
INFORMS Journal on Computing 17 (1), 123-136, 2005
Off‐line admission control for general scheduling problems
CA Phillips, RN Uma, J Wein
Journal of Scheduling 3 (6), 365-381, 2000
ACMS: The Akamai configuration management system
A Sherman, PA Lisiecki, A Berkheimer, J Wein
Proceedings of the 2nd conference on Symposium on Networked Systems Design …, 2005
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Articles 1–20